Seize the Opportunity at the Point of Sale
*Preparation Notes* You will see several of these *preparation notes* slides throughout the presentation. Read them carefully as you prepare your presentation. Once you have read them and customized your presentation, remember to delete them. They should not be part of your live meeting presentation. Be sure to include and determine a role for your GSM is these meetings. (Helping to flipchart responses, rolling up the numbers for the conversion activity, contributing to the discussion and adding their own reinforcements to your key points.) There are 3 short videos that are a critical component of this presentation. Follow the instructions provided on Managers’ Best Practices for downloading and playing the videos. * Delete this slide before presenting *
* Delete this slide before presenting * Distribute Handout(s) *Preparation Notes* Also throughout the presentation please make note of the ‘Distribute Handout(s)’ text box to prompt you when handouts are needed. You will need to make copies of the following: Point-of-Sale Key Actions Score Sheet (3 per person) Lead the Way with Confidence placards (1 set per person) Weichert Difference Key Actions at Open Houses Weichert Difference Key Actions on the Phone Weichert Difference Key Action in the Office * Delete this slide before presenting * Distribute Handout(s)
Our Agenda for Today A Significant Business Opportunity Being Different: What it Means and Why it Matters Small Details Make a Big Difference Key Actions at Initial Point of Contact
Point-of-Sale Discovery Meetings Last time we met, we introduced focus on the Point of Sale and the opportunity we have. Thank you for your participation! Now that every sales associate in the company has had a chance to discover and already start to act on the Point-of-Sale opportunity, we want to take it a step a further…
* Delete this slide before presenting * *Preparation Notes* Refer to the daily tally to get the Year-to-date leads from Open Houses and WLN for you office. Insert this data into the next slide. Have index cards set out in advance of the meeting. When facilitating the next slide, you will be prompted to instruct the associates to write down on the index card what they think their individual conversion rate is on these leads. Ask for a volunteer to add up the responses and calculate the average. You will come back to this later in the presentation. * Delete this slide before presenting *
Let’s pick just 2 lead sources . . . Year-to-Date, we have in total for our office XX Leads from Open Houses XX Leads from WLN X,XXX Buyer-Generated Leads What do you think your conversion rate is on these leads? Write it down and pass it up. No names please. Just X%
What Is Your Conversion Rate? Let’s collect the cards and average them out. Could someone volunteer to add these up and divide by the number of Associates who provided a % guess? I’ll come back to this in a few minutes.
9 Perfecting the Point-of-Sale Experience Every Associate, Every Customer, Every Time!
Name an internet company, outside of real estate, that’s known for its superior customer experience on line.
Outstanding Internet Companies So, what makes them so different?
Name a retail company that has a premium reputation with the consumer.
An Outstanding Retail Company So, what makes them so different?
* Delete this slide before presenting * *Preparation Notes* Here are some examples if the group is struggling to share examples of what make Zappo’s or Nordstrom’s so different when it comes to superior service: Zappo’s: Free overnight shipping upgrades for orders of a certain value Easy and free exchange and return procedure Personal shopper services online from remembering birthday and past products ordered Nordstrom’s: Friendly responsive service Takes picture of you and your child purchasing first pair of shoes * Delete this slide before presenting *
From a general consumer perspective, name a real estate company that stands out among its peers as providing a superior customer experience.
We have a real opportunity to differentiate ourselves among real estate companies and make You and Weichert the premier brand..
What Makes You Different?
“People buy people before they buy product or service.” Jim Weichert 1969
* Delete this slide before presenting * *Preparation Notes* Prepare to tell a personal story from your real estate career as a sales associate or as a manager that illustrates a dream come true for one of your customers. Tell a compelling story that focuses on the emotional aspect of the customer’s experience. When facilitating, the next slide will be your prompt to share your story. * Delete this slide before presenting *
What Other Company is Known for Making Dreams Come True?
Cast Member Making a Difference Doing her part to create smiles for guests young and old alike. A merchandise hostess welcomed guests along Main Street, USA with a great smile… Posted on Disney Parks blog, August 10th, 2010 by Gene Duncan
A Smile Makes Big A Difference Smiles are so important to Disney that that they evaluate ‘cast members’ smiles. It seems very basic. But actually it’s their commitment to all of the “small” details, including a smile, that sets them apart.
Small Details Make the Difference What are some of the small details at any point of sale that make a big difference with customers? Let’s flipchart your responses…
Essential Details at the Initial Point of Contact 26 Essential Details at the Initial Point of Contact In our first Point-of-Sale meeting, we asked you to narrow down the key actions that should take place every time at the first point of contact. Here are the key actions that were identified . . .
Key Actions Greet and Smile (Warm, friendly, likable. Give your name.) Gather contact information (full name and phone number) Ask, Listen and Learn Show What You Know Close (on the house at the open, for an appointment in the office or at their home, etc.)
Seeing the Key Actions “in Action” Let’s take a look at a video and see how well an associate demonstrates the key actions at the point of sale. Use the “score sheet.” I want to hear your feedback and your score for this sales associate so take careful notes! Distribute Handout(s)
Key Actions on the Phone Play Video
Your Observations and Feedback How did you score the sales associate? Let’s tally it up for an average score. What did you think the associate did well? What suggestions would you have to improve the customer experience?
Engaging Customers at Open Houses After you greet the customer and introduce yourself, what questions do you ask to get the conversation going?
Seeing the Key Actions “in action” at an Open House Let’s see if some of these questions you just shared are included in this next video. Use the “score sheet.” I want to hear your feedback and your score for this sales associate so take careful notes! Distribute Handout(s)
Key Actions at Open Houses Play Video
Your Observations and Feedback How did you score the sales associate? Let’s tally it up for an average score. What did you think the associate did well? What suggestions would you have to improve the customer experience?
The Key Actions “in action” with a Walk-in Let’s see how these Key Actions play out with a walk-in customer . . . Use the “score sheet.” Take notes as you observe and we’ll discuss your feedback. Distribute Handout(s)
Key Actions in the Office Play Video
Your Observations and Feedback How did you score the sales associate? Let’s tally it up for an average score. What did you think the associate did well? What suggestions would you have to improve the customer experience?
* Delete this slide before presenting * *Preparation Notes* Take the total leads from Open Houses and WLN Year-to-Date and divide it by the number of revenue units Year-to-Date to type in the actual conversion % in blue text in the space provided on the next slide. When facilitating this, hold up the collected index cards with each Associate’s guess for their conversion percent. Share the average % (if you have someone to add up the numbers and divide by the number of Associates who provided a number). Or call out the percents so Associates can hear what Associates were thinking for their conversion percentage. * Delete this slide before presenting *
Remember the Open & WLN Leads? There was a total of X,XXX Leads You said your average conversion rate was . . . _______% Your actual conversion rate was . . . XX%* *Based on a total of XX rev. units for this group
If we focus on the point of sale, do you think we could positively impact our conversion rate?
* Delete this slide before presenting * *Preparation Notes* The next two slides will give you an opportunity to explain how our focus on the point-of-sale key actions factor into 2011 business planning. If you have not done so already, review the Planning Day materials on Managers’ Best Practices. Consider using time at the end of this meeting to have associates sign up for their one-on-one business planning session with you. You may want to use this meeting as your Planning Day theme to continue the focus on perfecting the point of sale and closing for more appointments. Have a sign-up sheet that lists available time slots Or, if you are having small group meetings have them schedule their appointments as a call to action item. Enter in the 2% associates earnings from your Discovery Meetings slides. Remind associates about this opportunity. Also, reflect back on the conversion exercise. Determine as an office what conversion percentage increase you will work towards. * Delete this slide before presenting *
$ Planning for 2011 Average Associate Earnings Opportunity with 2% Increase in Open House and WLN Lead Conversion How will you factor perfecting the point of sale into your 2011 business plan?
Perfecting the Point of Sale Our Goal for 2011 Our actual conversion rate was . . . XX%* *Based on a total of XX rev. units for this group Our conversion rate in 2011 will be . . . _______%
Do I Have Your Commitment? “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” - Henry Ford
Distribute Handout(s) Here are some reminders on using the Key Actions at Opens, on the Phone and with Walk-ins. Distribute Handout(s)
Next Steps Embrace these key actions to differentiate yourself at the initial point of contact and provide our customers with consistent superior service. Be open to practicing and trying new ways to perfect the point-of-sale experience. Give me your feedback and new ideas on how to keep this going and working in our office. Share your success stories.
Making the Weichert Difference! Thank You Your open, honest feedback and contribution today is invaluable We appreciate you . . . Making the Weichert Difference!