Senato della Repubblica PARLIAMENTS ON THE NET X “Mobility, Transparency and open parliament: best practices in Parliamentary web sites” ICT for a more Trasparent, Open and Effective Parliament: how ICT can help face the crisis! Ing. Mauro Fioroni – Servizio Informatica – Italian Senate Madrid, May 31 st – June 1 st
Senato della Repubblica Questions Economic crisis, political crisis and crisis in trust of parliamentary institutions: how can we get out? What contribution can be given by parliamentary administrations to overcome the forementioned crisis? 2
Senato della Repubblica The admninistrative parliamentary contribution against the crisis There’s only one way out: Tecnological, Organizzative and Regolatory Innovation in order to 1. Cut down on parliamentary running costs 2. Improve effectiveness of legislative assemblies and parliamentary admninistration 3. Increase transparency of parliamentary activities 3
Senato della Repubblica 1 – Cut down on costs: how? Towards the“paperless Parliament”: From 2013 only print-on-demand: No predefined official acts in circulation From 115 to 20 million copies (-83%) Press review only on-line Electronic subscription to official acts (bills, amendments, and so on..) dossier and acts for parliamentary sittings available in real time on Intranet Cloud computing and Virtual desktop Functional integration and sinergy between the Houses 4 Italian Senate: how we’re facing the crisis!
Senato della Repubblica 2 – Improve effectiveness: how? Process reengineering in the administrative area (new documental system) New Intranet Portal for parliamentary work (emphasis on new collaboration and social networking tools) Increasing electronic exchange amongst other institutions E-Learning Fewer employees (from 1050 to 900) with a block on new public competitions 5 Italian Senate: how we’re facing the crisis!
Senato della Repubblica 3 – Increase transparency, how? Compliance to Open Government principles The whole Information System on the web New Linked Open Data services ( Improve usability of on-line parliamentary services (mobile computing, E-book, easy access to and from social networks,..) Improve the parliamentary WebTV 6 Italian Senate: how we’re facing the crisis!
Senato della Repubblica Italian Senate: how we’re facing the crisis! 2012 Senate “Anticrisis” Project examples: “Dematerialization” and print-on-demand: all Senators needs for parliamentary work on Intranet! Sitting documentation available on netbook/tablet via WiFi both in the Hall and in the Commissions Integrated agendas Electronic signature to subscribe to acts All electronic acts processed in standard XML format during parliamentary work The new Intranet Portal: collaboration and social networking on the internal network All parliamentary acts in E-book format (project Scriba) ………………………………… 7
Senato della Repubblica “ Dematerialization” and print-on-demand: all on Intranet! 8 Authenticated access from COLLABORATION AREA AND SOCIAL NETWORK Tools
Senato della Repubblica 9 Bill 1 Dossier 2 Committee Office Committee Offices use a collaboration tool with web file sharing interface Well known tool, new use Each Committee Off. owns its “area” Content organization is “private” Access is authenticated Senators access the documents securely from tablets/netbooks/PCs WiFi in Committees No more distribution of printed docs Less photocopies copies of dossiers only on-demand printed only pages that they draft “ Dematerialization”: all acts and dossier on Intranet! Senator
Senato della Repubblica Digital Signature to subscribe Parliamentary Acts 10
Senato della Repubblica The New Intranet Portal 11
Senato della Repubblica The new Intranet Portal(2) Agenda Senato 12
Senato della Repubblica The new Intranet Portal(3) The integrated Agenda 13
Senato della Repubblica All parliamentary acts in E-book format Project Scriba An Open Source Engine to generate e-books of parliamentary documentation in ePub format starting from HTML, XHTML, XML, PDF documents
Senato della Repubblica Download standard predefined ebooks: Last press review All agendas (Assembly and Committees) All last issued acts … Select documents of interest and create an ebook “on demand” Bills Reports Agendas Non-legislative docs …
Senato della Repubblica Share parliamentary resources on Social Networks 16
Senato della Repubblica Any questions about the future parliaments and the crisis? In any case … better not stay still waiting!.. As them: Thanks for your attention! 17