Client-centered HIV testing and counseling as a strategy for scaling up access to HIV prevention and care services Mongare J 1, Odhiambo F 1, Ojoo S 1, Ooko H 2, Chege M 1, Wandina D 1, Redfield R 3 Introduction HIV testing is crucial part of HIV prevention. Implementation of interventions for “Prevention With Positives” remains a challenge and has not been successfully scaled up, partly as a result of challenges in testing. Methodology AIDSRelief Kenya program with over 149,000 patients cumulatively enrolled into care, introduced systematic family-centered HIV testing. Cross- sectional review of the intervention is presented charts abstracted n=8129 Charts with FIF n=7294(88%) Sexual partners identified n=5690(78%) Partners tested n=3585(63%) Concordant Positive n= 2622(73%) HIV sero- discordant n= 963(27%) Linked to care n=2307(88%) Identified children n=22688 Tested n=7382(32%) HIV positive n=839(11%) Other Family members identified n=8186 Tested n=5015(61%) HIV Positive n=2612(52%) Linked to care n=1599(61%)
Outcomes of HIV testing in family members 93% eligible on ART
Conclusion Using the index HIV infected client enrolled in HIV care as an entry point for HIV testing for family members (Family Centered Testing -FCT) is under- utilized. FCT effectively identifies concordant HIV-infected sexual partners, and supports their linkage to care FCT crucially enables identification of HIV sero-discordant partnerships, supports disclosure and therefore allows institution of HIV prevention interventions FCT enables identification and enrollment into care of HIV infected children and extended family members of the index client in this setting. Acknowledgement The AIDSRelief Consortium: University of Maryland School of Medicine, Catholic Relief Services, Futures Group International, Catholic Medical Mission Board, All staff and patients of the 29 faith based facilities supported by AIDSRelief- Kenya. The information presented here was supported through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDSRelief, funded through the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator and the Human Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services. Cooperative Agreement #4U51HA