Moving up in Army JROTC (Rank and Structure) Unit 1, Chapter 1, lesson 3 Pages 11-27
Key Terms Battalion – a military unit made up of two or more companies or batteries and the commander is a Lieutenant Colonel Company – a subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit and the commander is usually a Captain Enlisted – relating to or constituting the part if the military force bellow officers Platoons – a subdivision of a company sized military unit and the commander is normally a first Lieutenant Specialist – a person who devoted himself to a particular occupation or field of study Squads – the smallest unit in the Army organization composed of a varying number of personnel Subordinates – a person of lower rank or grade Succession - the order of person next in line for an office or rank held by another Teams – a group of persons approximately one-half of a quad and normally lead by a junior noncommissioned officer
Introduction Army JROTC has a well-defined structure of organization,. each person in the unit has an individual job that is part of a larger task, which is part of a much larger mission. This unit will teach you about how the Army and JROTC enlisted ranks and officer ranks work. Also you will learn about the organization of a Battalion.
Pyramid of Authority There is a pyramid of authority within most organizations. For JROTC and the military, this pyramid of authority includes individual and group responsibilities as. The chain of command is succession of leaders through which authority and commands pass from leaders to subordinates. Unity of Command Span of Control Chain of Command
Chain of Command An effective chain of command can guarantee that all members are on the same team, working hard to accomplish their individual tasks and those in the unit. A chain of command depends on team members having various duties.
Span of Control Span of control is the number of immediate subordinates one commander or leader can effectively control, supervise, or direct. Maximum and minimum limits of control vary with the conditions under which the unit operates and the complexity if the functions preformed.
Unity of Command In every effective military unit, there must be only one commander who is responsible for all that the unit does or all that it fails to be. This commander must have the necessary authority to carry out the responsibilities of the unit.
Rank and Grade
Rank and Grade (Company) Each Company consist of a headquarters section and at least two Platoons. The company headquarters contains the fallowing key personnel: Company Commander Company Executive Officer Company First Sergeant Guidon Bearer
Rank and Grade (Platoon) Each platoon is composed of a headquarters section an at least 2 or 3 Squads with two teams per squads. The key members of a platoon personnel are as fallows: Platoon Leader Platoon Sergeant Two or three Squad Leaders Two or three assistant squad leaders (if the number of enrolled cadets permits) Four to six team leaders
Note on Rank and Grade Personnel designated as specialist are comparable to the non-commissioned officer rank or corporal, and are commonly referred to as technicians. They are not placed in command of other enlisted personnel.
Army Enlisted Ranks
No insignia Private E-1
Private E-2
Private First Class E-3
Corporal E-4
Specialist E-4
Sergeant E-5
Staff Sergeant E-6
Sergeant First Class E-7
Master Sergeant E-8
1st Sergeant E-8
Sergeant Major E-9
Command Sergeant Major E-9
Sergeant Major of the Army
Army JROTC Enlisted Ranks
Cadet Private First Class
Cadet Corporal
Cadet Sergeant
Cadet Staff Sergeant
Cadet Sergeant 1st Class
Cadet Master Sergeant
Cadet 1st Sergeant
Cadet Sergeant Major
Cadet Command Sergeant Major
Army Officer Ranks
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Army JROTC Officer Ranks
Cadet Second Lieutenant
Cadet First Lieutenant
Cadet Captain
Cadet Major
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel
Battalion Organization Battalion commander Battalion XO CSM S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Company Commander Platoon Leader Squad Leader
Battalion Commander Rank: Lieutenant Colonel Responsibilities: Command battalion at all formations Prepare for and conduct the training for the Battalion on drill days Maintain a direct and personal relationship with staff and company commanders Encourage company commanders to communicate freely Use the staff to assist in the gathering of information and preparing plans for conducting training and controlling the Battalion Designate staff officers to assist in the preparation, execution, and supervision of orders Ensure that feelings of mutual respect and confidence exist between the staff officers and the company commanders Ensure that the staff members are capable and that they understand their responsibilities to the Battalion commander, Battalion XO, and corps of cadets Ensure that orders and actions are in compliance to the Army JROTC regulations, policies, and directives and with the local schools regulations and policies Execute all responsibilities in the name of the Senior Army Instructor; seek advice and assistants from the instructor staff and carry out all of their directives quickly and completely Arrange the required meetings an assembly's the required company or staff personnel to determine any actions that may be necessary in the fulfilling the obligations of the cadet battalion Be prepared to evaluate any member of the battalion, but specifically the battalion headquarters personal and the company commanders Make operational decisions for the cadet battalion President over the cadets Work with school authorities in coordinating activities of the cadet battalion with the organizations of cadet battalion with the organization of the school, ensuring that the battalion activates are in accordance with school policy In ordinance with the Senior Army instructor, assignment missions to all extracurricular team captains such as Drill, Rifle, Color Guard, and so on Be responsible for all the battalion does or fails to do
Company Commander Rank: Captain Responsibilities: Command the company at all formations Ensure that all members of the company know and use the chain of command Consult the training schedule, study the drill reference, and ensure that you and your subordinates are prepared to instruct Check with the instructor staff daily prior to formation to obtain any changes or other information they want to announce Seek advice from the battalion commander or the instructor staff when encountering a problem to which you do not know the answer Execute the orders of the battalion commander as if they were your orders, even though you may personally disagree with them Conduct short inspections at every formation, making on-the-spot corrections as necessary; fallow-up to ensure that the deficiencies from earlier inspections are corrected Make each cadet an affective member of the team; take an interest in them and their problems; offer advice to help them with there problems Make on-the-spot corrections at any time to ensure that all members of the company understand and comply with cadet regulations Keep your company XO informed incase of absence
Platoon Leader Rank: Lieutenant Responsibilities: Keep your company commander apprised of the status of your platoon at all times Organize and maintain an affective chain of command. Learn the name of everyone in your platoon and use names when addressing them Conduct an inspection of the platoon at formations Use the chain of command to accomplish tasks; works mainly with the platoon sergeant to the squad leaders Know all of the cadet regulations and ensure that members of the platoon also know and fallow them Enforce orders from superior officers whether you agree with them or not; however if you think the order is wrong, discus it with the chain of command or the instructor, as necessary. Develop a spirit of teamwork so as to instill respect, obedience, and cooperation in the unit Know all of the phases of drill; be able to supervise/ conduct platoon drill and, if you are the senior officer present in a formation be able to conduct company drill Set high standards of personal appearance and conduct yourself. Remember, the platoon leader sets the example for the platoon to fallow Make an effort to resolve all leadership, training, and disciplinary problems at your level; if you cannot solve a problem, seek the advice and assistance of the company commander, company XO, or First Sergeant
Squad Leaders Rank: Staff Sargent Responsibility: Set an example at all times Know the number, names, and personal information on all assigned cadets Counsel/assist squad members with JROTC matters or help them find solutions to other issues when possible; refer to the platoon sergeant/ leader if you where unable to handle or resolve an issue Form the squad correctly. Make an accurate report by name of those persons present and absent during common hour activates, company platoon/formations, and other cadet battalion activates. be thoroughly familiar with individual, squad, platoon drill. When conducting drill, instruct/demonstrate the movements, allow time for individual performance; then supervise the team leaders ands squad members to ensure they preform properly. Conduct inspection to ensure personnel and prepare for training Develop responsibility and leadership in team leaders and be the first person for them to turn to for advice
Team Leader Rank: Corporal Responsibilities: Set an example at all times Know the number, names, and personal information of all assigned personnel Assist team members with JROTC matters when possible; refer to the squad leader for assessment if u are unable to handle or resolve the problem Be thoroughly familiar with the individual and the squad drill; inspect team members during formations, ensuring they know what is required of them
Battalion XO Rank: Major Responsibilities: Organize the Cadet Battalion Staff properly and ensure that it works as a team. Inspect the work of the Cadet Battalion Staff and make other inspections as directed by the Cadet Battalion Commander. Ensure that the Battalion Staff Officers prepare and submit reports on time and that they are engaged in future planning. Act as a commander of the troops during ceremonies. Ensure that instructions and orders issued to the cadet battalion are in accordance with he established policies of the Cadet Battalion Commander; report all volitions of the orders to the Cadet Battalion Commander. Preform other Duties as assigned by the Cadet Battalion Commander or the Instructor Staff. Take responsibility of the battalion in the battalion commanders absence
S-1 Battalion Adjutant Officer Rank: Lieutenant Responsibilities: Assist in aligning the battalion at all battalion formations. Receive the report at battalion formations from the company commanders and receive the names of absentees from the sergeant major Plan for the conduct of special ceremonies in coordination with the operations and the training officer Prepare and publish and orders necessary for the operations of the battalion commander Maintain the qualification records and the personal files on all cadets Publish and execute the cadet battalion’s recruiting plan Collect, consolidate, post, and maintain all merit and demerit reports and records Coordinate with the company commanders and the battalion staff on Recommendations to the instructor staff on reassignments and organizations; assign cadets to various companies and maintain a record of those assignments Prepare periodic strength reports under supervision of the instructor staff and keep the manning board posted and up to date Report incidents that are prejudicial to good order and discipline, and submit reports to the instructor staff, the cadet battalion commander, and the cadet battalion XO In coordinate with the battalion S-2, make recommendations to improve moral and welfare of the cadet battalion Preform other duties as assigned by the battalion commander, battalion XO, or the staff instructor
S-2 Battalion Intelligence and Security Officer Rank: Lieutenant Responsibilities: Assist in making periodic inspections of the security of weapons (if available In unit) Make periodic inspections of the security of the supply room and the equipment storage areas Make necessary on-the-spot corrections resulting from security inspections and keep the Battalion Commander and instructor staff informed In Coordination with the S-1 , report incidents that are prejudicial to good order and discipline, and submit reports to the instructor staff, the Cadet Battalion Commander, and the Battalion XO Preform other duties as assigned by the Battalion Commander, Battalion XO, or the instructor Staff. For example, in some JROTC units, the S-2 may be responsible for the information center and the duties of a public affairs officer if one is not assigned or for the duties of and ordnance officer if one is not assigned
S-3 Battalion Operations And Training Officer Rank: Major Responsibilities: Prepare the weekly training schedules Select and designate cadet instructor in coordination with the instructor staff; post the weekly training schedules no later then one week in advance of the training on the bulletin boards Assign areas for the outdoor training and ensure classrooms are available and prepare for instructors Inspect the drill field prior to use by the battalion and prepare it for ceremonies Coordinate the trading of the rifle teams, drill team, color guard: also coordinate training for guidon bearers and manual of the saber for cadet officers Organize events such as reviews, parades, and extracurricular activities Plan and supervise field events Inspect cadet training for compliance Maintain the unit reference library Maintain the training portions of cadet records Assume command of the battalion in the absence of both the battalion XO and the Battalion commander Supervise the activates of the battalion communication officer Preform other duties assigned by the battalion commander, battalion XO, or the instruction staff
S-4 Battalion Logistics and supply Officer Rank: Lieutenant Responsibilities: Create a JROTC clothing and equipment list for each cadet. Maintain all cadet supplies Maintain accountability of all equipment and supplies for the unit Conduct periodic inventories of the on-hand supplies and equipment; submit weekly reports to the instructor staff on the availability of supplies and on the condition of equipment Ensure that adequate cleaning materials are available for use during assigned maintenance activities In coordination with the battalion sergeant major, make periodical inspections of the national, state, and organizational Colors for serviceability Maintain security of all items of clothing and equipment in the supply room and the training aids storage area Maintain the supply room in a neat and orderly fashion at all times Maintain a running inventory of all supplies/property; determine supply requirements; and prepare requisitions for the equipment and supplies required for the cadet battalion Issue clothing, insignia, and other supply items as directed by the battalion commander, Battalion XO, or the instructor staff Collect and dispose of excess salvage equipment and clothing Supervise the activates of the battalion ordinance officer (if assigned) Preform other duties as assigned by the battalion commander, battalion XO, or the instructor staff
S-5 Battalion Special Projects Officer Rank: Lieutenant Responsibilities: Plan and coordinate special projects by the cadet Battalion Commander, Cadet Battalion XO, or the instructor staff. Maintaining records on all activates and coordinate as they pertain to each project. Keep the Cadet Battalion Commander, Cadet Battalion XO, and the instructor staff informed as to the progress of, or any problems encountered with, the projects.
Command Sergeant Major Rank: Command Sargent Major Responsibilities: Assist subordinate NCO’s, the battalion XO, and the adjutant with administrative duties/details Advise and assist the Battalion commander, in all maters pertaining to the enlisted members of the cadet Battalion Assist the adjutant in the formation and alignment of the battalion at all the battalion formations Receive list of absentees from the companies and submit them to the adjutant Supervise the color guard and all flag details. Ensure that companies first sergeants submit there weekly flag details on time, post those rosters, and ensure that members selected for detail receive there notification slips prior to the assignment Ensure the flag details are properly trained Ensure that the battalion area, including the drill field, is maintained in a high state of police at all times and that the JROTC officers and classrooms are kept neat and orderly Preside over all noncommissioned officer promotion boards Assume command of the battalion in the absence of all officers Preform other duties as assigned by the Battalion commander, Battalion XO, or the instructor staff
Company 1st Sergeant Rank: 1st sergeant Responsibilities: The company first sergeant is responsible to the company commander for administrative matters and the company XO (if Assigned). Submits absentee reports to the battalion sergeant Major, checks the merits and demerits with the company commander before submitting them to the S1, Assumes command of the company in absence of all officers.
Platoon Sergeant Rank: Staff Sergeant Responsibility: Platoon sergeant set the example at all times Assist in the supervision of the squad leaders Develop a spirit of teamwork in the platoon Submit absentee reports to the company first sergeant Assist the platoon leader in training the platoon Counsel personnel at a squad leaders request Assume control of the platoon in the absence of all officers
Conclusion The cadet battalion structure is set up to ensure a quick and clear flow of commands. Each cadet should know what they are responsible for. How far you climb in rank is up to you, your battalion has opportunities for you but you must try. Moving up in JROTC takes three things – desire, time, and work
Lesson Review Define the words Rank and grade. List the 5 key platoon personnel positions. What are the primary duties of a color guard commander? What is the chain of command?