CKI Circle K International How to make your Free Weebly site Show Up as Your Domain Name! By: Brittany Horton Webmaster CKI Circle K International
Step 1 Create a Weebly login
Step 2 Create a free Weebly site
Step 3 Create the Title of your website
Step 4 Choose “Use a Domain You Already Own” and type in the domain name you wish your Weebly site to show up as. This means you bought a domain name from namecheap, godaddy, etc. and you want people who go to your domain to be redirected to your Weebly page…don’t worry it will still say in the URL even though people will see your FREE Weebly site displayed!
Step 5 Design your FREE Weebly website to whatever qualifications you want (see the “How to Make a Club Newsletter and Club Website” powerpoint for awards criteria to follow to make sure you have everything you need on your website).
Step 6 Hit “Publish” when you’re ready for your website to be available on the web! (Otherwise, no one can see your site… take note that if you ever makes changes to your weebly site, it will not show your updates to the world unless you hit “Publish”).
Step 7 It will ask you again to choose your website domain, choose “Use a Domain You Already Own” and make sure the domain name you want it to point to is in the text field.
Step 8 It should display the next screenshot, where you will click “Domain Setup Instructions” (Note: if you type in your domain name right now, it will NOT display your weebly website….you still have to adjust your DNS settings in order for this to happen).
Step 9 This new screen will pop up with directions to redirect your domain. You have 2 options in order to do this: 1) Send an to your domain registrar (the company you bought your domain name through) 2) Login to your domain name provider and adjust the settings yourself
Step 10 If I were you, I would still send your domain registrar that message either through a live chat or through an message, because they will walk you step by step on how to change your settings. (Note: It will still take a little time, anywhere from 20 min-1 hour (more or less) before your website will be available… this is called TTL – Time to Live) But, since I’m assuming the reason why you are looking at this is because you want me to show you how to do it manually, I will. Click “See Instructions” if you haven’t already. It will display the next screen (Note: the highlighted and circled info will be different than yours)
Step 11 Login to your domain registrar (you should have the username and password from when you registered your domain name with them).
Step 12 This part on will look different according to who your domain registrar is! I use Namecheap, so here’s the process I go through: (Domains > Manage Domains)
Step 13 Click my domain I want to change settings
Step 14 Click “All Host Records”under Host Management
Step 15 You should have something different than this to start with but you will want to change it to look like this (except with a different IP address according to what Weebly gives you) and “Save Changes”:
Step 17 Then after your TTL is up, you can type in the domain name of your site (e.g. and you should now see your Free Weebly website displayed…all for FREE!