Getting Started: Setting Up a District McKinney-Vento Program Maria Cendejas Homeless Liasion New Braunfels Independent School District
My history with M-V: 11 years with New Braunfels ISD Established a system and program for identification of M-V students because there was not one Eliminated barriers to welcoming homeless students Began a strategic plan to build community relationships in 2005 Built a shelter in 2012 Maria’s Closet Currently working on transitional housing with the McKenna Foundation
Changing the perceptions of M-V: Drop-out, graduation, and attendance rates were once very poor. There was a lack of awareness of the program on the part of the community and administration.
Promoting awareness in NBISD: M-V awareness trainings for all new employees Refresher updates on M-V for key district personnel (administrators, registrars, PEIMS clerks, counselors, nurses, transportation) Student Residency Questionnaire- any returning student’s survey is included as a part of the online enrollment/registration process; new students receive a hard copy to complete Making yourself available and accessible
Graduation Rate for District Continuous Graduation Rate= 100% Homeless Graduation Rate= 96%* District Drop Out Rate=1.3% Homeless Drop Out Rate= 0 *There were two students who did not graduate but continued school in
Student Engagement for Data shows that student engagement at the district level is high. In weekly meetings with students, we maintained a log of student feedback. We discussed credits, graduation plans, an accelerated credits, in addition to a variety of services offered in the district and community. We made a very deliberate effort to let all students know that they were supported and cared for.
What do we do in NBISD? Meet with every student Discuss the law and services available to them Meet basic needs Check of graduation credits Assist with appropriate documentation Assist with FAFSA and scholarship applications Help with waivers for SAT and ACT
Being familiar with the New Braunfels community: Getting to know local newspaper reporters
Being familiar with the New Braunfels community:
How to Establish a Successful M-V Program
Provide basic needs for students and families.
Be an advocate for the M-V students.
Try to simplify the enrollment process as much as possible.
Have genuine compassion for students and families.
Have a true passion for this tough job.
If available, join a Homeless Coalition Network.
Network!! Everyone is a potential contact.
Be accessible to families, the community, and the school district.
Meet regularly with administrators to make them aware of how the M-V students are performing.
Meet regularly with counselors to review transcripts to make sure that they are on track for graduation.
Keep students in school.
Thank you for your time!! Please reach out to me if you have questions. Maria Cendejas New Braunfels ISD New Braunfels, Texas New Braunfels Independent School District