Warm-up Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Histograms – 1.4 Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Objective Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram. Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Bar Graphs Vs. Histograms Topics vs. numbers Bars don’t touch vs. bars do touch Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Definition Bin Width – The # you count by on the x-axis. Insert pic Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Example 1 How many values are in the data set? What is the bin width? How many trees are under 70 feet high? How many trees are between 70 and 80 feet high? Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Example 2 Draw a histogram of the data below using 5 bins: (1, 6, 8, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 22, 22, 25) Now make a histogram using only 3 bins: Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Example 3 How many students took the test? How many students scored less than 60%? How many students scored over 60% but less than 80%? Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram
Homework 1.4 worksheet Problems 1, 2, 4a Obj: Read and interpret data displayed in a histogram