Tuesday 7 June 2011 Woburn House, London Dr Robin Kirby, Strategic Analyst, University College Falmouth
Strategic Analyst role Bringing: Information Analysis Environment scanning Personal insight …into management decision making
Strategic Analyst activities Policy documents, reports, business plans Risk management KPI reporting HEFCE and funder returns National Student Survey, DLHE and league table analysis and action plans Works closely with senior management team
Tools of the trade
Where are we now?
Reality check: competitors / comparators Student satisfaction Graduate employability Levels of demand Fee levels External indicators of quality & reputation Course portfolio performance
NSS benchmarking
Course portfolio review
heidi data for market share
DLHE – in work or further study
Where do we want to go?
Business planning – 5 year targets Student recruitment – University title Research Degree Awarding Powers – metrics Student satisfaction Employability Staff profile Widening Participation Diversification of portfolio
‘Digital Drift’ in the creative industries
Regular benchmarking Course portfolio review National Student Survey and DLHE analysis and action plans Reporting on KPIs and Strategic Plan objectives
Project benchmarking New business planning process New course development process – market driven 2012 tuition fees, access agreement, investment programme and value proposition Funding bids – capital / additional student numbers
Benefits of the role… …and the approach Faster, better quality decision making Joined up decisions when large projects run concurrently Challenging the hunch / anecdote / received wisdom Measuring progress and staying on track Establishing identity and position in the market
Thank you.