October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Asterisk: Thinking Out of the Box Carl Davis
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California PBX Out of the Box You should be so lucky… 138 ready-to-use Asterisk Applications None of these operate out of the box to immediately give you a usable system They are building blocks that allow you to build virtually any type of telephony system Some of these need only a little support Your Telephony system is only limited by your imagination
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California What You Get By adding the samples from the distribution during Asterisk installation (make samples), you receive several useful trials Demo call via IAX to extension 500 Echo extension 600 Single User with extension 1234 Voic extension 8500 DIY Toolkit
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 500 Give Digium a call. This will connect directly to the Digium offices which are open from 8:00am to 5:00pm CDT, Monday through Friday, holidays not withstanding. Be aware: You must be connected to the Internet You must have a way to dial!!! ;-)
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 600 Can you hear me now? Dialing this extension will create an audio loopback and allow you to hear everything you say through your connection. Be aware: You must be able to connect to your Asterisk PBX with a microphone and speaker to perform this test!!! ;-)
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California 1234 This will connect you to the console. You will need to be familiar with Asterisk console commands to guide your way through this interface. Once here, you may: Not be able to do much because you still need a way to connect to your Asterisk PBX Lets skip Voic right now. Its there, at 8500, but you need to…well, you know ;-)
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California How Do You Connect? You, and the rest of your world, must be connected to this technological marvel you just built. While you will read many times that having a good understanding of Asterisk dial plans is essential (true), you must also understand that dial plans depend on connections to and from the rest of the world. Boy, are you in luck, because you just constructed a Multi-Protocol PBX that provides you with an ever growing number of ways to connect!
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Connections The most popular are: SIP ZAP IAX Others are available and more are created everyday. You may even create your own.
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Ready to Use Tool Kit Now you are on the right track. What do you want? Auto Attendant Call Rollover Voice Mail Do Not Disturb Audio Conferencing Find Me/Follow Me Long Distance AAA
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Auto Attendant [demo] exten => s,1,Wait(2) exten => s,n,Answer exten => s,n,BackGround(enter-ext-of-person) exten => 2,1,Dial(${MYEXTEN},15) exten => 2,n,Goto(d-${DIALSTATUS},1) exten => d-BUSY,n,Playback(tt-allbusy) exten => d-BUSY,n,Hangup exten => _d-.,n,Playback(monkeys) exten => _d-.,n,Hangup
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Call Rollover exten => d-NOANSWER,1,Dial(${MYCELLPHONE},15) exten => d-NOANSWER,n,goto(n-${DIALSTATUS},1) exten => n-NOANSWER,1,Playback(vm-nobodyavail) exten => n-NOANSWER,n,Hangup exten => n-BUSY,n,Playback(tt-allbusy) exten => n-BUSY,n,Hangup exten => _n-.,n,Playback(tt-weasels) exten => _n-.,n,Hangup
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Voice Mail exten => n- NOANSWER,1,Voic (u${MYMAILBOX}) exten => n-NOANSWER,n,Hangup exten => n-BUSY,1,Voic (b${MYMAILBOX}) exten => n-BUSY,n,Hangup exten => _n-.,n,Playback(tt-weasels) exten => _n-.,n,Hangup
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Do Not Disturb (DND) [demo] exten => s,1,Wait(2) exten => s,n,Answer exten => s,n,BackGround(enter-ext-of-person) exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(DND/${EXTEN})} = 0]?dialuser,1) ; Tell them were not all there exten => s,n,Playback(tt-monkeysintro) exten => s,n,Hangup exten => 2,1,Dial(${MYEXTEN},15) exten => 2,n,Goto(d-${DIALSTATUS},1)
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Audio Conferencing Asterisk Audio Conferencing is accomplished with the MeetMe application. Its configuration can be done entirely in the dial plan or put into the meetme.conf configuration. It is simple to setup and use and as full featured as you wish to configure. exten => 10,1,MeetMe(1234,pM,9876) exten => 10,n,Hangup
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California meetme.conf Asterisk Audio Conferencing can also be defined in the meetme.conf configuration. The configuration is read everytime you call the Meetme() application. For example: [general] audiobuffers=32 ; min is 2, max is 32 [room] conf => 1234,9876
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California AAA Authorization, Authentication and Accounting… these are available with specific applications that can be used to build any feature set. Direct Inward System Access is DISA() Asterisk database access is available from the dial plan (check out blacklist()) Call Detail Records can be file or MySQL based for call accounting Global variables and the Asterisk database can be used for further persistence of data
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California References Asterisk: The Future of Telephony – freely available on Asterisk PBX itself Asterisk source distribution –
October 10-13, 2006 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California Q&A Carl Davis President & Chief Architect Stellar System Technologies, Inc Executive Director High Tech Business Council of Rochester