Mobility in Government Consolidation & Wrap-up Lee Naik3 Oct 2013
2013 Gauteng ICT Summit: Mobility in Government Developing sustainable ICT infrastructure & building a connected government Mobility in Gauteng Enabling government service delivery through mobility E-Learning & M-Learning Cloud Developing mobile solutions BYOD
Importance of Mobility to Gauteng Mobility in Gauteng Enabling government service delivery through mobility E-Learning & M-Learning Cloud Developing mobile solutions BYOD ICT in a key enabler of the NDP and South Africa moves towards an information society, we must leverage emerging technologies to reach the development goals Gauteng has made good progress on its Vision 2025 through successes in Cloud and a mobile app development platform The Gauteng 2055 vision roadmap must include the leveraging of disruptive technologies such as mobility and Cloud Our success in this will be underpinned by common infrastructure, standards and capabilities Success in these areas can be achieved and we see international examples where these technologies are delivering tangible citizen value. Local examples such as SARS and others shown today also provide evidence of local capability
The role of e-Learning and m-Learning in bridging the South African education divide Objective: Explore the challenges that remain in the South African landscape to make e-Learning and m- Learning the defacto way of learning and to explore how these can be overcome to accelerate high quality education for all Summary Points E-Learning platforms are extremely powerful in the way they appeal to the natural inquisitive nature of children and objective based learning for adults New learning platforms will have the effect of changing the role of teachers and free them up to focus on innovative learning techniques as well as provide non-classroom based learning tools The key barriers that must be overcome include access to broadband, effective industry partnerships and affordable devices Awareness of e-Learning platforms are also key, with the learning experience made relevant to the user needs Mobility in Gauteng Enabling government service delivery through mobility E-Learning & M-Learning Cloud Developing mobile solutions BYOD
Making Cloud a reality in government service delivery Objective: The South African government cloud journey has only just started and a clear strategy is required to ensure that the benefits of cloud are realised, whilst minimising the risks and impacts to service delivery Mobility in Gauteng Enabling government service delivery through mobility E-Learning & M-Learning Cloud Developing mobile solutions BYOD Summary Points GPG has been recognised as setting the standard and benchmark in Cloud service adoption Cloud adoption has been driven by cost, new technologies, service requirements and the need for DR With accountability remaining with Government, a clear strategy, a proactive approach to governance and a practical implementation approach are key Effective change management and communication to stakeholders is an integral part of a successful implementation The importance of a phased approach and end user testing must not be underestimated Data sovereignty issues must be continually assessed and addressed as these technologies become more widespread and threats more sophisticated
Industrialising value from mobility government solutions Objective: Explore the various options available to government to develop a mobile solution and what the various influencing factors are to consider Mobility in Gauteng Enabling government service delivery through mobility E-Learning & M-Learning Cloud Developing mobile solutions BYOD Summary Points Mobile has become essential in our lives as it has the tendency of becoming an integrated part of citizens daily activities Given this, Government must investigate the art of the possible and collaborate to exploit these technologies in the public domain We have seen examples from GDF and GPAA that can be built upon Citizens also expect to access Government services from a single point manifesting itself often as a Government App Store Services enablement through purpose built infrastructure and back office solutions. Connectivity is a key component of this infrastructure Learnings can be achieved by developing internal department applications and extending this capability to the public
Embracing BYOD and its implications on ICT Objective: Explore the various technical and social factors that impact BYOD in an enterprise. How will you feel if the photo of your new-born gets wiped by IT? Mobility in Gauteng Enabling government service delivery through mobility E-Learning & M-Learning Cloud Developing mobile solutions BYOD Summary Points BYOD can improve productivity significantly but must be managed through effective policies BYOD has the potential to be expensive including device purchase and data expenses however the benefits are considerable A successful BYOD programme provides security, promotes efficiency and provides a good user experience Security risks include loss of control of data, lost devices, vulnerabilities through unmanaged devices and mobile device viruses The mobile device policy is key to balancing risk while providing the user functionality and without excessive control A technical mobile device management solution and a security operations centre must also be in place to manage the programme
Thank You Lee Naik Senior Executive - Accenture Technology Consulting Mobile: