Current status of alternative warming up procedure Annex 4 § (OIL#19) WLTP-06-25e T. Yamaguchi, Japan
The alternative warming up procedure have a possibility to create test result variations. These variations may cause inappropriate information to customer and/or unfair competitions. Japan object to develop alternative procedure due to time shortage for sufficient discussion during phase-1a and propose family definition which can be applied for alternative procedure. Definition of alternative warming up family. What kind of engineering justifications is required. (i.e. Transmission oil temperature, tire surface temperature, R/L setting value and so on) Future application for TA (type approval), COP (conformity of production) and ISC (In-service conformity).
1.Family definition : Proposal_1 : same as current gtr CO2 family Proposal_2 : develop new family (Road load family) Exclude parts, which are decoupled in neutral. Increase transmission ratio tolerance, as its influence on road load is almost negligible. Additionally define maximum range for weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics. Next Action : Experts continue to have discussions for the initial proposal.
2.Procedure : If the manufacturer develops the alternative warm up cycle/procedure, the evidence of equivalency shall be demonstrated by the manufacturer to the responsible authority. Record alternative warming up procedure including detailed conditions. Next Action : Experts discussion needed for the details of the procedures. Plan to have experts meeting ASAP after 6 th Vienna to develop the initial proposal. Then distribute it to all related CPs for acceptance, aiming for a finalization in the WLTP IG #7 as original phase1b schedule..