Can Nuclear Power Meet the Challenge U C Muktibodh Executive Director (Engg.) NPCIL 6th Nuclear Energy Conclave, New Delhi 14 Oct. 2014
Can Nuclear Power Meet the Challenge ? YES
NPCIL Plants Performance
Present Status of Nuclear Power CUMULATIVE CAPACITY(MW) CAPACITY (MW) REACTOR TYPE AND CAPACITY 20 reactors (18 PHWRs+2BWR) 4,780 4,780 PHWR Projects under construction 4,200 8,980 KAPP-3&4 (2x700 MW) RAPP-7&8 (2x700 MW) GHAVP-1&2 (2x700 MW) PWR projects under advanced stage of 2,000 10,980 completion : KK-1&2 (2x1000 MW) PWR projects under Construction 2,000 12,980 KK-3&4 (2x1000 MW) PFBR under construction at 500 13,480 Kalpakkam (1 X 500 MW) 8
Nuclear Capacity - Planned 2 x 700 MW PHWR : Chutka, MP 2 x 700 MW PHWR : Kaiga, Karnataka 4 x 700 MW PHWR : Mahi-Banswara, Rajasthan 2 x 700 MW PHWR : Gorakhpur, Haryana (Additional Units) 4 x 700 MW PHWR : Bhimpur, MP 2 x 1000 MW LWR : Kudankulam, TN (Additional Units) 6 x 1650 MW LWR : Jaitapur, Maharashtra 6 x 1500 MW LWR : Kovvada, AP 6 x 1100 MW LWR : Mithi Virdi,Gujarat 6 x 1000 MW LWR : Haripur, WB 2 X 500 MW FBR : Kalpakkam, TN 1 X 300 AHWR : Site being identified
Implementation of this large capacity build-up requires equity support from the Government
Implementation Aspects
PHWR Programme Standardised design of 700 MWe plant having enhanced safety features, including post-Fukushima upgrades Seismic designs for rock sites and soil sites Plant detailed engineering in digitised form
Stages in Nuclear Power Project Implementation CRITICALITY Power Operation Engineering Pre-project Activities Financial Sanction In-principle approval Procurement Construction & Commissioning 4 to 6 Years 1 to 2 Years 6 To 7 Years 11 To 15 Years Land Acquisition MoEF Clearance Geological & Seismo-tectonic studies Siting Clearance Site-specific seismic parameters Supply of Major Equipment
What needs to be done… Reduce time for pre-project activities Encourage and support the National Institutes to carry out geological & seismo-tectonic studies in a time bound manner Expeditious land acquisition – Government support Policy decision on advance procurement of long-delivery equipment for the projects approved in-principle Financial support from Government The programme needs to be implemented in a National mission mode.
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