What is AMP? The Automatic Monthly Partner (AMP) Plan is a convenient and easy method of making monthly donations to FCA. Your contributions for charitable giving are made safely, quickly and automatically to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ bank by monthly transfer between your checking, savings or credit card account. This giving method not only saves you time and eliminates the hassle of check writing, it also helps FCA utilize your gifts to have the most impact on ministry. It provides a predictable monthly income for our staff.
How to sign-up Go to Choose “Recurring Monthly Donation (AMP)” from the list of options
On the next page, scroll down and select “Search for Staff or Area to Get Started”
Enter “Metro East” in the search bar” Select “Donate”
After selecting “Donate” you will be taken to a page where you can enter in your gift amount and select your option for a one time gift or a monthly gift In order to be consider an AMP giver, we ask that you select “monthly gift” After making your selections, simply click “Donate” and the website will walk you through the payment process
AMP giving is important to our ministry. As mentioned before, this method allows our staff to predict the amount of funding that will be available on a regular basis. Please do not hesitate to ask questions and dialogue about giving options within FCA! Why AMP?