Equipment Set Up 4-H Food Stand 2014 BC WI 4-H Food Stand -Equipment Set up1
Cooking counter set-up. The cooking counter is set up with the griddle left end,space for wrapping, hot water bath food warmer, wrapping, cheese warmer & trays at the end. Behind the counter are the racks for the reserve food supplies. Everything is kept 6 inches off of the ground. The back wall near the griddle is the meat heating station BC WI Food Stand. Equipment Set up2
Items that are found on shelving units where the youth are taking order. On the shelves are the extra napkins. The order taking forms, hats, pencils, pencil sharpener, scissors and miscellaneous items. The first aid kit is also located here. If there is an emergency contact the 4-H agent or the fair office. The cash register is located on the left end BC WI 4-H Food Stand – Equipment set-up3
Before turning on the hot water bath food warmer on make sure there are 4 quarts of water in the pan. Turn on high in the morning to heat the water, turn down the temperature after heating. In setting up the station, taco meat, hot dogs and ham on the left. Switch out clean pans when adding more meat. Food can not be heated in the pans. Meat must be heated in the electric skillet first BC WI 4-H Food Stand – Equipment Set up4 Fill water up an inch on pans. Check often to ensure bottom of pans stay covered with water. Add hot/warm water to the bottom when needed.
Soda Cooler: Fill soda cooler from the Mountain Dew cooler trailer. Milk sells more in the morning. Milk is found in the meat cooler. Stack the soda & water as shown. Yogurt is on the bottom shelf to the right. Mountain Dew, water & root beer are the most popular beverage. Stack the soda in the soda trailer same kind on top of each other. Water to the right, M dew and Root beer to left front near door BC WI 4-H Food Stand. Equipment set up5
Meat cooler trailer When looking into the meat cooler from the door the milk chugs are stacked to the right side. The left side is stacked with gallon jugs of milk that are in milk crates. The condiments are to the left. The meat is in the back. Any unopened cases of meat, condiments can be taken back. Please use opened containers first. Condiments are stored in here at the end of the night BC WI 4-H Food Stand. Equipment set up6
Set up of Ice cream station: The 2 ice cream freezers are back to back. It works best if you don’t mix flavors of ice cream in each of the scooping freezers. Vanilla and strawberry on one side and the other side is Chocolate. The stainless steel table is at the end. The 3 head shake machine on one side and the single head machines on the other side. The foam cups are in the middle of the freezers. Always open cups from the bottom and leave the plastic around them BC WI 4-H Food Stand prep7
Small Chest Freezer from Birdseye Dairy: You can get gallon tubs of ice cream in the chest freezer. Up Right Freezer: You can get 15 containers of ice cream in the chest freezer. Freezers may change from year to year. Thank you for viewing the presentation by Eileen Rueden 2014 BC WI 4-H Food Stand -Equipment Set up8