L E PASSÉ COMPOSÉ Les verbes irréguliers
C HEMIN : Past Tense in English Le passé composé Guided Practice
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH English has a variety of ways of expressing the past tense: I talked I did talk I have talked
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH English has a variety of ways of expressing the past tense: I talked I did talk I have talked In French, the third way is used most often to express the past tense.
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH English has a variety of ways of expressing the past tense: I talked I did talk I have talked To create the past tense in French, you use the appropriate form of avoir…
j’ainous avons tu asvous avez il ails ont
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH English has a variety of ways of expressing the past tense: I talked I did talk I have talked …and the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb.
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH English has a variety of ways of expressing the past tense: I talked I did talk I have talked Typically er é, re u, and ir i. There are several irregular verbs however that do not follow this pattern:
L ES PARTICIPES PASSÉS : U lire l u voir v u avoir e u croire cr u savoir s u recevoir reç u pouvoir p u vouloir voul u
L ES PARTICIPES PASSÉS : IS prendre pr is comprendre compr is apprendre appr is mettre m is
L ES PARTICIPES PASSÉS : IT dire d it écrire écr it
D ’ AUTRES VERBES IRRÉGULIERS être étéouvrir ouvert faire fait
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb.
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai lu lire lu I have read (or I read or I did read)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai vu voir vu I have seen (or I saw or I did see)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai eu avoir eu I have had (or I had or I did have)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai pris prendre pris I have taken (or I took or I did take)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai compris comprendre pris I have understood (or I understood or I did understand)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai mis mettre mis I have placed/ I have worn (or I placed or I did place) / (I wore or I did wear)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai écrit écrire écrit I have written (or I wrote or I did write)
P AST T ENSE IN E NGLISH To create the past tense in French, you need: the appropriate form of avoir the “-ed” form (past participle) of your verb. J’ai fait faire fait I have done (or I did or I did do)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, j’ai lu Hunger Games à la bibliothèque Yesterday, I read Hunger Games at the library (or I did read Hunger Games at the library or I have read Hunger Games at the library)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, j’ai vu Jean avec son amie Marie au lac Yesterday, I saw Jean with his friend Marie at the lake (or I did see Jean with his friend Marie at the lake or I have seen Jean with his friend Marie at the lake)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, j’ai reçu un “A’ sur l’examen! Yesterday, I received an “A” on the exam! (or I did receive an “A” on the test or I have received an “A” on the test)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, j’ai pris une baguette pour mon déjeuner Yesterday, I took a baguette for my lunch (or I did take a baguette for my lunch or I have taken a baguette for my lunch)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, je n’ai pas compris les instructions pour la répétition guidée Yesterday, I understood the instructions for the guided practice (or I did not understand the instructions for the guided practice or I have not understood the instructions for the guided practice)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, j’ai écrit un narratif pour le cours de français Yesterday, I wrote a narrative for French class (or I did write a narrative for French class or I have written a narrative for French class)
G UIDED P RACTICE Hier, j’ai fait du jogging avec mes amis Yesterday, I jogged with my friends (or I did jog with my friends or I have jogged with my friends)