Effective Self Evaluation – writing a good SEF


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Self Evaluation – writing a good SEF A practical session for middle leaders

Effective Self Evaluation Objectives To increase the confidence of middle leaders in evaluating their performance against the KHDA inspection framework To improve the quality of subject/year group self-evaluation and SEF writing: ensuring that it is clear, concise and accurate

Effective Self Evaluation Self Evaluation: Key points Effective self-evaluation demonstrates: - that a school knows itself – its strengths and areas for development. - that the school takes time to reflect on the success of its actions before taking further action - a continuous desire for improvement The quality of self-evaluation can impact on all judgements, but particularly leadership and management

Effective Self Evaluation Self Evaluation: Key points Your self-evaluation should illustrate what ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’ from the KHDA inspection criteria looks like in the context of your department/year group Key actions Impact Next Steps Eg: ‘Consistently high quality marking and constructive feedback from teachers ensure that pupils make rapid gains’ Subject context: Termly monitoring in X shows that students get regular and accurate written feedback on their work. Student surveys support this as do lesson observations where effective questioning is frequently noted as a strength. Assessment in X has been used as an example of good practice in school based CPD. Progress is well above national averages for all key groups (see standards and progress above)’

Effective Self Evaluation Achievement: implications for self evaluation How robust are systems for tracking students’ progress in all years? How does the department/year group track the performance of SEN students and Emirate students, against other students and against students using international benchmarks? How well can the department/year group demonstrate that they are closing the gaps between the achievement of different groups of students? How does the department/year group evaluate progress in literacy and numeracy within their subject area/year group?

Effective Self Evaluation Achievement: implications for self evaluation Check that your self-evaluation tells the reader what the KHDA descriptor looks like in the context of your department/year group. Remember the focus on progress, groups (particularly SEN and Emirate), Narrowing the Gap and literacy and numeracy. Try to include some reference to how well your department/year group achieves in these areas. Check that the priorities identified as a result of robust self-evaluation focus on specific areas for development. Avoid general phrases such as ‘Ensure that pupils make better progress than that expected’ . Be as precise as you can be about which areas you will target. e.g. ‘Raise attainment of Emirate students in mathematics in Year 6 to be at least in line with the national average in England on the L4+ and APS indicators.’ Eg

Effective self evaluation The quality of teaching: implications for departmental/year group self-evaluation How do the department’s/year group’s systems for self-evaluation capture the impact of teaching over time? How does departmental/year group evaluation capture the strengths and areas for development in teaching over time? How does the department/year group evaluate the impact of interventions in teaching?

Half-termly cycle for evaluating the quality of teaching over time Does teaching secure appropriate challenge and pace for ALL learners? Is progress in reading, writing, communication and maths appropriate for ALL learners? A third focus area determined by the evaluation cycle

Parent/pupil feedback Half-termly cycle for evaluating the quality of teaching over time Does teaching secure appropriate challenge and pace for ALL learners? Is progress in reading, writing, communication and maths appropriate for ALL learners? A third focus area determined by the evaluation cycle Lesson observation Book scrutiny Learning walk Pupil outcomes Parent/pupil feedback

Half-termly cycle for evaluating the quality of teaching over time Does teaching secure appropriate challenge and pace for ALL learners? Is progress in reading, writing, communication and maths appropriate for ALL learners? A third focus area determined by the evaluation cycle Lesson observation Book scrutiny Learning walk Pupil outcomes Parent/pupil feedback Analysis of data highlighting strengths and areas for improvement

Half-termly cycle for evaluating the quality of teaching over time Does teaching secure appropriate challenge and pace for ALL learners? Is progress in reading, writing, communication and maths appropriate for ALL learners? A third focus area determined by the evaluation cycle Lesson observation Book scrutiny Learning walk Pupil outcomes Parent/pupil feedback Analysis of data highlighting strengths and areas for improvement Governors Appraisal CPD SDP

Half-termly cycle for evaluating the quality of teaching over time Does teaching secure appropriate challenge and pace for ALL learners? Is progress in reading, writing, communication and maths appropriate for ALL learners? A third focus area determined by the evaluation cycle Lesson observation Book scrutiny Learning walk Pupil outcomes Parent/pupil feedback Analysis of data highlighting strengths and areas for improvement Governors Appraisal CPD SDP

Effective self evaluation The quality of teaching: implications for departmental self- evaluation Ensure that your self-evaluation tells the reader what the KHDA descriptor looks like in the context of your department/year group. Remember that you need to emphasise teaching over time, strengths and impact of interventions Ensure precision in identifying which areas of teaching you are going to develop (Next Steps)

Effective self evaluation Curriculum Outstanding descriptor for curriculum cites: Memorable experiences High achievement Impact on behaviour Rich opportunities

Effective self evaluation Curriculum: implications for departmental self evaluation In practice the subject specific descriptors for an outstanding curriculum refer to : - an imaginative/distinctive curriculum - a challenging curriculum - wide opportunities - first hand experiences - wider links - an excellent contribution to SMSC In your self evaluation, give practical examples of how your curriculum provides these experiences/opportunities for students

Effective self evaluation Leadership and management: implications for departmental self-evaluation How does departmental self-evaluation demonstrate the impact of leadership and management on students’ progress? How does the department/year group use performance management and CPD to improve outcomes? How do curriculum leaders/year group leaders demonstrate that they are driving forward improvements in outcomes? How do curriculum leaders/year group leaders demonstrate that they are improving the quality of teaching and learning? How is poor practice challenged and good practice shared?

Effective self evaluation Leadership and management: implications for departmental self- evaluation Review the KHDA descriptors under L&M. Try to include reference to the key areas below: - self-evaluation - use of performance management and CPD - specific examples of driving forward improvements in teaching and learning Review key priorities for the department/year group and ensure a precise focus on improving T&L and outcomes for students (Next Steps)