Outdoor Cooking Section 9 The Cleaning Station Troop Katy, Texas Boy Scouts of America J John Porter, ASM
The Cleaning Station This section teaches the proper method of cleaning the cooking and eating utensils in the outdoors. Scouts will be expected to: –Set-up the cleaning station as detailed –Explain and demonstrate the procedures for cleaning eating and cooking utensils, including scraping, soap, rinse, sterilization and drying procedures
Material Needed 3 large metal tubs for heating and holding water (may have one or two extra for preparing for next class) large single-burner propane burner and large, full propane bottle
Materials Needed Liquid soap and chlorine bleach Sponges and scrub brushes Trash bags for scraping off food Rope and logs for building drying station Dirty pots / pans, etc
Preparations Thirty minutes before the class starts, begin setting up cleaning station. Setup the tubs in a line on the table. –Tub 1 - hot water with liquid soap added. –Tub 2 - warm rinse water. –Tub 3 - cool water with bleach added to sterilize.
Preparation Steps 1.Place burner and propane bottle away from the cleaning table. Keep people away from the burner while on. 2.Fill tubs ½ full of water. 1.Place tub 1 on burner and heat until just before simmering. Remove and add a few drops of liquid detergent. Water should be hot but not scolding 2.Heat the tub 2 until warm, not hot and set next to soap water.
Preparation Steps 4.Place tub 3 of cool water at the end. Add a capful of bleach to the water 5.In the cleaning area, there will be some trees or poles nearby. Using the logs, rope and scouting skills, construct a hanging table (approximately 4 to 6 logs wide). This will be the drying rack.
Teaching the Method of Cleaning As the students arrive in the cleaning area (they come in rotations), have them gather in front of the cleaning table. From behind the table, explain the setup of the cleaning station.
Teaching the Method of Cleaning Use the following to describe the process (found at 1.Start dishwater heating when you start preparing the meal. 2.Scrape all dishes, pots, etc. before putting them in your dishwasher 3.Set up the three tub cleaning station. Hot Water with Soap Warm Water Rinse Cool Water Bleach to Sterilize
Teaching the Method of Cleaning Use the following to describe the process (found at 4.Air dry your dishes to eliminate the most germs - towels carry germs like you wouldn't believe! 5.As the wash water gets dirty, dump it through a strainer or a piece of cheesecloth to remove the solid waste. Throw away the waste and dump the water away from any campsite or trail.
Teaching the Method of Cleaning Use the following to describe the process (found at 6.Recommend doing the clean up of your cooking dishes while the food is cooking when possible. This saves overall cleanup time and gives campers something to do while waiting for the food to finish cooking. 7.Be sure to explain the safety of using the propane burner and the need for young scouts to have adult supervision in setting up and ensuring proper fittings and no leaks.
Final Activities Ask the students to add to the drying rack using either the logs and ropes or any other natural items in the surrounding area. This is a creative and fun activity. They can build a paper towel holder, make the table bigger and better, add a lantern holder or many other wild and crazy ideas. As the patrols come through during the day, the drying rack grows more interesting.
Resources Before dismissing, tell the students they can find more information at the following websites: