Elementary, Cycle Two Prototype Evaluation Situation MELS 2009 Welcome to English Mania Camp WHAT’S UP AT EMC? Elementary, Cycle Two Prototype Evaluation Situation MELS 2009
Goal of the Evaluation Situation To allow students to demonstrate their competency in each of the three English as a Second Language competencies To allow teachers to complete collecting the data needed to determine their students’ level of competency at the end of Cycle Two
Competency 1 (C1) = five tasks Timeline Takes approximately six periods All three competencies are evaluated: Competency 1 (C1) = five tasks Competency 2 (C2) = three tasks Competency 3 (C3) = one task
Class 1 60 min. “Everywhere We Go” Camp Chant Camper’s Welcome Letter Warm-Up Activity Not evaluated 60 min. “Everywhere We Go” Camp Chant Camper’s Welcome Letter Meeting Cabin Team Members EMC Guide (to be used throughout the evaluation situation)
Camper’s Welcome Letter If you want your students to work well together, it would be best to determine the team members yourself. No random groupings.
EMC GUIDE (back) EMC GUIDE (front)
EMC GUIDE (inside)
Who Am I? Game Class 2 Task 1 C1 40 min. Clues are cut into strips, arranged in order and placed in an envelope. Each team receives a different set of clues. Teams use the clues and the EMC Guide to discover who their team monitor is. Teams read each of their clues and compare them to the EMC monitor descriptions. Clue by clue, and using p. 3 of the SB, teams find out who their cabin monitor is by eliminating the monitors that do not match their clues.
All teams have the same cards. Class 2 Task 2 C1 20 min. Where Am I? Game All teams have the same cards. Teams become familiar with different locations on the campsite. Teams read the questions on p. 4 of the SB and the possible answers on the game cards. They place each game card on the answer grid, aligning their chosen answer with the stars on the grid. When they have finished, they turn the game cards over to see if they chose the right answers. The answer key appears on the back of the cards. Students complete p. 4 of the SB.
What Am I? Game Class 3 Task 3 C1 15 min. All teams have the same clues. Teams use clues to identify an activity. Using the clues and the Activities box on p. 5 of the SB, teams try to identify the activities that are being described. Clue by clue, teams eliminate activities that do not match their clues to identify the activity being described. The EMC Guide is a resource.
Camp Activity Card Class 3 Activity 15 min. Not evaluated 15 min. Individually, students complete their Camp Activity Card on p. 6 of the SB. Using the EMC Guide, they enter their personal information and their favourite morning, afternoon and free activities. Filling out the card is an important step because students will use this card to help them write their Camper’s Comments. Camp Activity Card
Class 3 Task 4 C1 15 min. Class 3 Activity 15 min. Free Activity Reservation Sheet Teammates discuss which free activity each of them will do and fill in the reservation sheet on p. 7 of the SB. Note: Only one team member per free activity is permitted. Some of the least popular activities, e.g. yoga, turn out to be the most fun. Free Activities Students form new groups to do their free activity. Note: The free activities can be carried out or continued at the end of the situation. Class 3 Activity Not evaluated 15 min.
F r e e A c t i v i t i e s Magic Tricks Water Sports Yoga Science Experiments F r e e A c t i v i t i e s Magic Tricks Arts & Crafts Water Sports Yoga
Susan and Max Class 4 Task 5 C2 35 min. Information about Campers Students view a DVD or listen to a CD about two campers and, individually, complete the graphic organizers. Note: Go over the layout of the graphic organizers and the Camper’s Wordpack, and present what is expected of students in the instructions before presenting the DVD or CD.
One sheet per team. Class 4 Task 6 C1 25 min. Campers Susan and Max’s Information Rally One sheet per team. Teams read the questions on the information rally sheet and answer them together. Teams do not use the Student Booklet for this task; they cooperate to recall the answers. The winners of the rally receive a Rally Winner Badge (optional).
Evaluate when finished Class 5 Task 7 Evaluate when finished (C2 & C3) 60 min. Camper’s Comments The teacher reads the Camper’s Comments in the EMC Guide and goes over the Camper’s Comments Checklist, p. 10 of the SB, with students. Individually, students reread the comments and begin the reinvestment task. They write a draft copy of their own Camper’s Comments. Students must use the information on their Camp Activity Card to write their comments.
Camper’s Comments (cont.) Class 6 Task 7 (cont.) C2-C3 Time needed to finish Camper’s Comments (cont.) Students reread the Camper’s Comments in the EMC Guide. They revise their draft copy and write their final copy. Students who make two or more revisions to their draft copy receive a Champion Reviser Badge (optional).
Extra Activity
This PowerPoint™ presentation was prepared by Bonny Ann Cameron of the Commission scolaire de la Capitale, in collaboration with the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. It is a training tool intended for ESL teachers who plan to use the Ministère’s Elementary, Cycle Two 2009 prototype evaluation situation entitled What’s Up at EMC?