Travel call – the toughest call in the game. Travel Rule 4-43 & 9-4
MEASURABLE OUTCOME Officials will –determine how a pivot is established. –Identify what a player can do with the pivot. –Identify features of a jump stop. –Adjudicate special travel situations.
Definition: excessive movement of the foot or feet while holding the ball. The player must have control of the ball.
What would Forest say? “You cain’t run with somethin’ ya ain’t got.”
Pivot: when a player who is holding the ball steps once, or more than once, in any direction with the same foot while the other foot, called the pivot foot, is kept at its point of contact with the floor.
Establishing a pivot foot Both feet on the floor: may use either foot, the one foot not lifted becomes the pivot.
One foot on the floor: that foot is the pivot foot. *The player may jump off this foot and land on two simultaneously.
In the air, –land on both simultaneously: pivot on either one. –land on one: first to touch is the pivot foot. * *The player may jump off this foot and land on two simultaneously.
How to identify and remember the pivot foot. Ask ~ “What touched first?” Think in you mind, – “Left, Left, Left, Left, Left” – “Right, Right, Right, Right, Right”
Rally Share Rally = just like in tennis or volleyball, conversation goes back and forth. Share = all members participate in the conversation.
Rally Share Question(s) How can a pivot foot be established? What can the player legally do after establishing a pivot foot? One minute….
JUMP STOP *“The Jump Stop” - the jump stop was created to prevent knee injuries by not forcing moving players to stop on a dime.
Keys Simultaneous landing “Stick the landing.” No pivot JUMP ~ STOP NO PIVOT FOOT
What can I do after I have a pivot foot? The pivot foot may be lifted to pass or shoot. It cannot come back down until the ball is released. To dribble, the ball must be released before the pivot foot is lifted. –Playground rocker move
After a “jump stop”… One or both may be lifted to pass or shoot. Neither may come back down. Neither may be lifted to dribble.
A player holding the ball may not touch the floor with any body part other than a hand or foot. –Take a knee = violation –Take an elbow = violation –Take a fall = violation
ON THE FLOOR… After gaining possession on the floor, a player may not attempt to get up or roll over. A player may pass, dribble, or shoot, and while on their back, a player may sit up. While a player may fall or get up while dribbling (Harlem Globetrotters)… … a player may not put the ball on the floor, get up, and be the first to touch the ball.
A player may dive for a loose ball, gain possession, and legally slide. He/she may roll over while sliding.
Rally Share What can a player do if they dive or retrieve a loose ball on the floor?
Common travels: Drag the back foot Playground “rocker step” start to the drive Tumbling rebounder Up and down Falling down / Getting up
OFTEN MISSED TRAVELS Never 2 to 2. Hop back to “3”point land Drop step / pivot “Spin move” off the dribble
Legal or “Not travels” Fumbling runner / receiver. Stuttering “Awkward Al”. Loose ball slide. Up and under. Air ball-shooting rebounder. Inbounder.
Shooting confusion? A1 leaves her feet to shoot. B1 –a) blocks the shot out of A1’s hands. –b) touches the ball and A1 continues to shoot. c) blocks the ball and prevents A1 from shooting or passing –d) touches the ball and A1 returns to floor with the ball. –e) touches the ball and A1 releases the ball and recovers it upon landing.
Answers: A1 leaves her feet to shoot. B1 –a) blocks the shot out of A1’s hands. LEGAL –b) touches the ball and A1 continues to shoot. LEGAL –c) blocks the ball and prevents A1 from shooting or passing. HELD BALL –d) touches the ball and A1 returns to floor with the ball. TRAVEL VIOLATION –e) touches the ball and A1 releases the ball and recovers it upon landing. ILLEGAL DRIBBLE
Whose responsibility? All officials in their primary. Trail may call a travel in front of lead in congestion. (3)
KEYS to SUCCESS 1.Know the rules. 2.Identify the pivot. 3.Anticipate a possible travel. 4.Position “Stay away to see more of the play.”
SUMMARY Get the pivot foot Pivot foot can be lifted – except to dribble. Jump stops must be simultaneous and no pivot Sliding, rolling over, and sitting up can be legal. Getting up and falling down with the ball are always illegal.
TEST A1 jumps for a rebound, lands awkwardly, and falls to the floor with the ball. Ruling? Travel Violation
A1 gets the rebound, lands on B1’s foot, and falls to the ground w/ the ball. Ruling? TRAVEL VIOLATION
A1 catches the ball in the air, lands on his left foot, hops between two defenders and lands on both feet simultaneously. Ruling? LEGAL
A1 dives for a loose ball. After securing the ball he slides 8 feet and calls time out. Ruling? LEGAL
A1 dives for a loose ball. After securing the ball he slides 8 feet, rolls once while sliding and bounces up to a knee. Ruling? TRAVEL VIOLATION
Twister? A1 catches the ball while in the air, lands on the right foot and jumps to catch her balance. She lands on both feet simultaneously, falls forward, and uses her left hand to hold herself up Ruling? LEGAL She now picks up her right foot. Ruling? LEGAL
A5 catches a pass on one foot and hops to two. He pick up his left foot and starts a dribble. Ruling? TRAVEL VIOLATION
Player A4 goes up for a jump shot and starts a dribble to avoid having her shot blocked. Ruling? TRAVEL VIOLATION
Player B1 dives to intercept a pass, makes the interception 2.5 feet off of the floor, lands his side and slides. Ruling? TRAVEL VIOLATION
On an long outlet pass, off-balance visiting player B3 tries to catch the ball, juggles it repeatedly, and takes 4 large steps before he recovers the ball securely. He immediately turns and shoots the game winning shot just before the horn sounds. Ruling? LEGAL ~ Run like
Happy travels. The end.