Gilles VAILLE PRACSIS REHVA Supporters Seminar Brussels, 10 December 2009 Opportunities offered by the BUILD UP interactive web portal
Context and goals Specific solutions Find resources Post your materials Share knowledge Online demonstration Q&A Table of contents
Context and goals
From EPBD Buildings Platform to BUILD UP EPBD Professionals Database Information Promotion Energy efficiency of buildings Professionals + citizens Database update Public participation Active promotion of best practices Launch on 16 June 2009
Intelligent Energy - Europe BUILD UP is funded under the Intelligent Energy - Europe programme ( ) that is managed by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation (EACI) on behalf of the European Commission. The BUILD UP web portal is provided by the service providers INIVE EEIG, P.A.U. Education and PRACSIS in the frame of a service contract signed with the EACI.
Goals Improve the energy performance of buildings by gathering building professionals, local authorities and citizens on THE European portal for energy efficiency in buildings 2 main goals: Transfer best practices of energy savings measures to the market and foster their uptake Keep the market updated about EU energy policy for buildings Building occupants Building professionals Public authorities
Through partnership a winning team BUILD UP Partners: European, national and regional energy agencies European industry and professional associations Trade federations and national federations of building professionals Consumer associations Non-governmental organisations campaigning for energy efficiency in buildings Media with a proven track record of reporting on energy/construction
BUILD UP Partners (as per November 2009)
Specific solutions
Levels of interactivity Building occupants Building professionals Public authorities Find resources Regular information, Newsletter, RSS Feeds Post your materials Propose a Publication, Case, news item, Event… Share knowledge Propose/join a Community, Respond to others’ posts BUILD UP web portal
Building professionals
Be up-to-date and express your opinion
Inform others of your activities…
Why posting information? Propose a news item, Event, Publication, Link, Case and/or Tool! Visibility at the EU level Recognition in the field of energy efficiency of buildings If you want to inform others of your activities Propose/join a Community! Common interests Blogging Specific calendar Networking Knowledge among peers If you want to better serve your members and/or targets
Online demonstration
BUILD UP is a tool from the European Commission for the market to help reduce the energy consumption of buildings across Europe Success will be achieved if is popular! Have a look! Register Post your items Propose/Join a Community Share the intelligence Tell your networks Key messages
Thank you for your attention! For further information: T: / F: The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings