AU MEDS™ An Observation Based Medication Error Detection System
Step 1 – Nurse goes to patient’s room and obtains the Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Step 2 – Nurse goes to medication storage room Step 2 – Nurse goes to medication storage room. AU MEDS observer watches and records notes onto an AU MEDS form.
Step 3 – Nurse selects unit dose medications from storage unit according to the patient MAR.
Step 4 – Nurse completes medication selection Step 4 – Nurse completes medication selection. AU MEDS observer watches and records notes onto an AU MEDS form.
Step 5 – Nurse greets patient by name and checks wrist band Step 5 – Nurse greets patient by name and checks wrist band. AU MEDS observer watches and records notes onto an AU MEDS form.
Step 6 – Nurse administers medication directly to the patient Step 6 – Nurse administers medication directly to the patient. AU MEDS observer watches and records notes onto an AU MEDS form.
Step 7 – Nurse completes the administration of medications Step 7 – Nurse completes the administration of medications. AU MEDS observer watches and records notes onto an AU MEDS form.
Step 8 –AU MEDS observer reviews the patient’s MAR and records notes onto an AU MEDS form.
Step 9 –AU MEDS observer reviews her notes on the AU MEDS form with the nurse.
Step 10 –AU MEDS observer enters her notes from the AU MEDS form into the AU MEDS software.
AU MEDS chart created by the AU MEDS software.
AU MEDS chart created by the AU MEDS software.
AU MEDS chart created by the AU MEDS software.
AU MEDS chart created by the AU MEDS software. #1. LPN Role Change #2. Connect Complete #3. Education per Video #4. Pharmacy Nurse Reviewed Video #5. New Units Added/ TS Drug List Revised #6. Cubie Installation Complete AU MEDS chart created by the AU MEDS software.
AU MEDS chart created by the AU MEDS software.