SLL SOFTBALL – General Rules Little League Rules are followed, as well local Intertown Rules (Intertown Rules are posted on the SLL website under the Fastpitch Softball Section) Face Masks are mandatory for SLL softball players at pitcher, 1 st base and 3rd base. This rule is not mandatory for other towns Only player catchers may warm up pitchers during the game Only lead-off batter can take warm up swings. Other players must remain in the dugout No batboys/batgirls Player getting the bat must have a batter’s helmet on When a player is warming up pitching, there must a third player stationed near the pitcher. This player must have a glove and helmet.
Coaches in Dugout: Tball/A & AA: 1 Manager, 3 Coaches -AAA/Majors/Juniors: 1 Manager, 2 Coaches No earrings or other jewelry No plastic or metal headbands Cages must be attached to batting helmets Juniors, Majors & AAA, bats must now contain the mark BPF 1.20 or less The lights should only be used for games. No lights are to be turned on during practices. Game Coordinators must be assigned for home games with youth umpires SLL SOFTBALL – General Rules
SLL SOFTBALL – Other Reminders Please take care of SLL Equipment and property Please help keep the Softball Tower and Shed clean and organized Trash Policy o SLL does not employ anyone to pick up trash or empty cans/trash in the dugouts – everyone needs o to help! o It is the manager’s responsibility to empty the buckets/trash in the dugouts after a game and/or o practice. o Division Directors will remind teams of trash pickup days (Monday & Friday mornings) o Teams must roll out trash cans to the parking lots Sunday and Thursday nights. Teams should o return them to the fields after they have been emptied. If equipment is broken, first aid kids need replenishment or there are safety issues at the fields, please alert Softball VP (Amy Stepka) and Softball Equipment Director (Robert Catalano).
ADMINISTRATIVE INFO BACKGROUND CHECKS: Required for all Managers, Assistant Coaches, Game Coordinators, Board Members and parents who wish to help at practices. DEADLINE: March 31 ASSISTANT COACHES: Must be added to the teams rosters on the website DEADLINE: March 31 TEAM ADMINSTRATOR: Ask a parent to assist you as the team administrator (help w/ updating website, coordinating picture day, cheer cards, collect documents, help plan team party GAME COORDINATOR: Ask a few parent to be game coordinators. They cannot be an active coach. This is mandatory for all home games with youth umpires. See 2014 rule book for details.