Yoga 11. Yoga translates from Sanskrit into “yoke” or “union” Yoga translates from Sanskrit into “yoke” or “union” The uniting of body/mind/spirit The.


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Presentation transcript:

Yoga 11

Yoga translates from Sanskrit into “yoke” or “union” Yoga translates from Sanskrit into “yoke” or “union” The uniting of body/mind/spirit The uniting of body/mind/spirit

Yoga 11 Sanskrit - Sanskrit is the classical language of Indian and the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism Sanskrit - Sanskrit is the classical language of Indian and the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism It is also one of the 22 official languages of India It is also one of the 22 official languages of India The name Sanskrit means "refined", "consecrated" and "sanctified" The name Sanskrit means "refined", "consecrated" and "sanctified"

Yoga 11 A Brief history of yoga Yoga began 5000 years ago in India as a practice for young men in training to be wisemen. The postures strengthened their bodies so that they could sit for hours at a time in meditation and become enlightened beings.

Yoga 11 A Brief history of yoga Continued… The postures helped to harmonize the energy in their bodies so that their minds could rest in the present moment with complete awareness, as spiritual attainment was one of the symbols of success in their culture.

Yoga 11 A Brief history of yoga Continued… When it began, yoga was practiced by men in order to develop strength and concentration to pursue personal mastery, while the women stayed with the family. Women practiced traditional Indian dances.

Yoga 11 A Brief history of yoga Continued… Today, with current work and family demands on both women and men, yoga has become a tool to manage stress and transforms the body to be lean and strong.

Yoga 11 Why yoga now? Today our goals are a bit more practical, like building core strength for proper posture and learning to de-stress through the fast pace of our lives using deep breathing.

Yoga Celebrities Madonna – “Yoga is a metaphor for life. You have to take it really slowly. You can’t rush. You can’t skip to the next position. You find yourself in very humiliating situations, but you can’t judge yourself. You just have to breathe, and let go. It is a workout for your mind, your body and your soul.” Madonna began to practice ashtanga yoga (the Vinyasa style) to get back in shape after the birth of her daughter, Lourdes, in 1996

Sting is a yoga practitioner who has mastered the various complex asanas of Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Sting reveals that yoga also allows him greater composure to confront the more stressful events of his day. He says, "My mind develops calmness and clarity and I get a lot more done." He stresses that there are more benefits to yoga than he would have thought had he not gotten into it.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s main fitness workouts revolve around both yoga and Pilates. She also spoke of how important yoga is for strengthening the pelvic floor after giving birth. Gwyneth Paltrow’s yoga routine starts at 4:30am each morning. She says “I’m really not a morning person at all, it’s just sheer determination. I’m very strict with myself. When I practice six days a week and eat clean food, I feel much better.”

Evander Holyfield Evander Holyfield Well know boxer Evander Holyfield has been practising yoga for years, to keep him focused on his games and to help him concentrate in daily life. As yoga helps to make muscles more supple and keeps up your stamina and regulates your breathing, people performing sports professionally benefit greatly from yoga. The Los Angeles Lakers The Los Angeles Lakers The entire Lakers team practices yoga few times a week, to improve performance and to help prevent injuries during games. Using yoga techniques to warm up before games, the Lakers prove that yoga is a technique to be reckoned with as they are convinced that yoga helps them perform better.

What other students have to say… “Yoga is … the place where I can go to let everything just roll off my shoulders and not worry about it.” “Yoga is … the place where I can go to let everything just roll off my shoulders and not worry about it.” “I can now manage my emotions better through yoga.” “I can now manage my emotions better through yoga.” “Yoga is more than just exercise – it is a lifestyle.” “Yoga is more than just exercise – it is a lifestyle.” “I’m actually a happier person because of yoga.” “I’m actually a happier person because of yoga.” “I was sceptical at first… (but) I began to feel good for the first time in a long time!” “I was sceptical at first… (but) I began to feel good for the first time in a long time!”

Yoga 11 My expectations –Respect your self and others always –Attend class regularly and arrive on time –Do not disrupt the learning and practise of others during class time and especially during Savasana

Yoga 11 My expectations Continued –You will be prepared for yoga class (loose, comfortable clothing) –NO food or drink, except water in class –Absolutely no electronic devices –Participation is essential for meeting the outcomes of this course

Tadasana (Mountain pose) General benefits of mountain pose or what is also called “Tadasana” Aligns the spine, which increases circulation Aligns the spine, which increases circulation Helps develop proper standing posture which can reduce problems associated with improper weight distribution, resulting in worn joints. This reduces wear and tear on the knees. Helps develop proper standing posture which can reduce problems associated with improper weight distribution, resulting in worn joints. This reduces wear and tear on the knees.

Tadasana (Mountain pose) Tones abdominal muscles and strengthens the legs Tones abdominal muscles and strengthens the legs Strengthens the arches of the feet, knees and thighs Strengthens the arches of the feet, knees and thighs Fosters mental focus and clarity Fosters mental focus and clarity

Tadasana (Mountain pose) Enhances self-confidence Enhances self-confidence Reduces mild anxiety Reduces mild anxiety Encourages deep breathing for an overall sense of calm Encourages deep breathing for an overall sense of calm Enhances digestion Enhances digestion Prevents osteo-arthritis in the spine Prevents osteo-arthritis in the spine Job success Job success