2 types of Articles The English word THE is called a ( Definite Article ) because it is used to refer to a Definite or Specific person or thing. The girl. The school. The word a (an) is called an ( Indefinite Article ) because it refers to Any person or Thing, NOT Specific. A girl. An apple.
Do NOT get the Definite Article EL confused with the Subject Pronoun Él. The accent right above the letter (É) makes it a completely different word.
El = THE La = THE Un = A (an) Una = A (an) Singular Articles: 1 thing or person
Los = THE Las = THE Unos = Some Unas = Some Plural Articles: More than 1 person or thing.
In Spanish, EVERY Noun has a Gender, either Masculino o Femenino. Many Spanish nouns end in O or A. ALMOST all nouns that end in O are (M), and all nouns that end in A are (F).
If a noun ends in a vowel…Add “S” to make it plural. If a noun does not end in a vowel… Add “ES” to make it plural.