Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler are almost always used in the third person The third person is appropriate because something external is producing a state within us – Me gustan las papas fritas. (French fries are pleasing to me) – Me encanta la música. (Music is very pleasing to me) – Les interesan las matemáticas. (Math is interesting to them). – Te importa la fiesta. (The party is important to you). – Le duele la cabeza. (His head is hurting him).
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler are almost always used in the third person Beginning Spanish will not present an occasion to use the first- or second-person forms Yo -- Nosotros/as -- Tú -- Vosotros/as -- [.….] gusta [.….] gustan
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler are almost always used in the third person Beginning Spanish will not present an occasion to use the first- or second-person forms Yo -- Nosotros/as -- Tú -- Vosotros/as -- [.….] encanta [.….] encantan
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler are almost always used in the third person Beginning Spanish will not present an occasion to use the first- or second-person forms Yo -- Nosotros/as -- Tú -- Vosotros/as -- [.….] interesa [.….] interesan
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler are almost always used in the third person Beginning Spanish will not present an occasion to use the first- or second-person forms Yo -- Nosotros/as -- Tú -- Vosotros/as -- [.….] importa [.….] importa
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler are almost always used in the third person Beginning Spanish will not present an occasion to use the first- or second-person forms Yo -- Nosotros/as -- Tú -- Vosotros/as -- [.….] duele [.….] duelen
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler almost always reduplicate the indirect object by restating it elsewhere: – Las papas fritas le gustan a Juan. – La clase nos gusta a nosotras. – El francés no les interesa mucho a ustedes. – ¿El bistec no te encanta a ti? – ¿Los pies te duelen a ti? Reduplication can occur virtually anywhere in the sentence….
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler Verbs like gustar, interesar, importar, and doler almost always reduplicate the indirect object by restating it elsewhere: – A Juan le gustan las papas fritas. – A nosotras nos gusta la clase. – A ustedes no les interesa mucho el francés. – ¿A ti no te encanta el bistec? – ¿A ti te duelen los pies? Reduplication adds clarity and disambiguates the subject/object
Gustar, Interesar, Importar, & Doler But if you want to conceptualize it similarly to other verbs, it would look like this Note, however, that the familiar subject pronouns must change to what is shown here A mi me gusta(n) A nosotros A nosotras nos gusta(n) A ti te gusta(n) A vosotros A vosotras os gusta(n) A él, A ella, A usted le gusta(n) A ellos A ellas A ustedes les gusta(n)