How Theory and Action Inform One Another in the Online Learning Environment
Background Two kinds of theory play a crucial role in the online learning process Explicit, or canonical theory, is the one most familiar to academics It is the theory embodied in books, journal articles, models, and methodologies “Group of statements, taken as a related whole, that is uses as our basis for design, judgment, and guidance of action It is open to scrutiny, constantly tested against results it can provide, and open to modification Implicit, or tacit theory, is embodied in our unconscious assumptions, silently but powerfully shaping our perspectives and actions. It is so all-pervasive that it becomes illusive and, as such, is highly resistant to change
Conclusion: Five Key Outcomes 1.Enhanced Awareness of Self 2.Enhanced Awareness of Others 3.Enhanced Capacity for Reflection 4.New Perspectives and Knowledge 5.Enhanced Capacity to Initiate and Sustain Change
1. Enhanced Awareness of Self Working in an online environment requires the participants articulate their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions in written form rather than reacting based on a sense of urgency and unconscious impulses This environment enhances individual knowledge when participants become aware of, understand, and are able to explain the basis of their thoughts and actions
2. Enhanced Awareness of Others Because the work of all participants is viewed and commented on by the entire group, participants often learn from one another as much as they do from the program facilitator Each participant provides substantive feedback to each other Thoughts and ideas or each participant are viewed from multiple perspectives rather than from the relatively narrow view of the facilitator or teacher
3. Enhanced Capacity for Reflection Unlike purely verbal communication, the asynchronous learning environment also permits added time for reflection before response, giving the dialogue a level of depth that is uncommon in other communication media This capacity of the learning system thus enables participants to become aware of, more fully understand, and appreciate the thinking of others
4. New Perspectives and Knowledge The ability to weave multiple viewpoints together creates new knowledge and a broader perspective Increases internal coherence and capacity to initiate more effective and coordinated change ainitiatives
5. Enhanced Capacity to Initiate and Sustain Change Emerging out of the team’s heightened awareness and new perspective, members were able to propose several new initiatives that had a significant impact on the culture and operation of their organization These initiatives were generated in a structured and highly collaborative manner, resistance to implementation was greatly diminished