Scholarship of teaching & learning Research-informed teaching Learning, teaching & scholarly activity Unpicking some recent initiatives and what they might mean for you…….. Martyn Stewart
1 Scholarship in Teaching & Learning
CONTEXT Larger movement within education Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Scholarship in Teaching & Learning Higher Education Academy International Society for Scholarship in Teaching & Learning HE Academy – increasing emphasis on research Compulsory training in institutions Future quality processes Greater emphasis on quality enhancement & evidencing impact Research processes Pedagogic research valued increasingly within research quality processes
What does Scholarship in Teaching mean? Discussing teaching & learning – engaging in staff development & disseminating outputs of own teaching practices Structured reflection, analysis and critique of practice (self &/or peer) Training in teaching Awareness of developments in teaching (e.g. technologies / research findings) & subject knowledge Engaging in action research & evaluation (for understanding / evidence to inform decision making) More formal pedagogic research – contributing to wider understanding and wider dissemination. Usually forms of scholarly activity relate to personal preferences
2 Research-informed teaching
What does the phrase ‘research-informed teaching’ mean to you? Can you provide examples of ‘research-informed teaching’ in your own teaching / experience? Differing perspectives…..
What might a student experience as different or distinctive about learning on a HE course compared to previous levels of learning? As a group, create a list of such experiences:
Source: Healey 2005
Issue of HE distinctiveness ‘Students in HE have the right to expect to be taught the state of their art in their discipline’ ‘HE learning should involve an understanding and experience of knowledge creation processes’ HEFCE allocated £40m to HEIs & FECs (allocated in inverse proportion to research income) to support RIT Staff development Curriculum initiatives (e.g. enquiry-led / research skills) Linking strategies (e.g. research & teaching) Creating research culture (that involves students)