Phil Halbasch
Hardware Dell Workstation –Intel®Xeon Processor 1.7 Gigahertz
Software and Peripherals Quicken Suite 2002 –Online Transactions Security Reliability Umax Scanner –Flatbed style –USB Technology –1200 x 2400 dpi resolution –48 bit internal color
Budget For Equipment Actual Cost For Equipment
Purpose of Our Machines Fast Processors to fill your orders quicker We have the best software to give the customer detailed receipts We scan pictures of your car into our website for everyone to see
Our Philosophy We know that customers are looking for is plain good ole customer service. Good quality parts at outstanding prices Fair shipping charges without, extra "handling fees" and speedy delivery. Through diligence each day we strive to accomplish all of those things on each and every order we process. We certainly don't claim perfection, just diligence and perseverance to treat our customers how we would want to be treated.