Econ chapter 22 Alex Newell 3/22/10
Political parties in our democracy The role of political parties Informing citizens Our two party system Choosing candidates
Political party An organization of citizens who wish to influence and control government by getting their members elected to office
Selecting candidates Political parties nominate, or name, candidates to run for public office
Canvass Go door to door handing out information and asking people which candidates they support
Democrats and republicans Our current two party system emerged in 1854
Patronage The system in which party leaders perform favors for loyal supporters of the party
Straight ticket A ballot cast for all the candidates of one party
Split ticket The practice of voting for candidates of more than one party on the same ballot
Independent voters People who don’t support a particular political party
Self nomination Declaring that you are running for office
Caucus A meeting of party leaders to discuss issues or to choose candidates