Foundation Competencies New CSWE procedures
EPAS: Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards CSWE: Council on Social Work Education CSWE CORE COMPETENCIES (see handout) 2
Ten SW Competencies- CSWE Identify and conduct oneself as a SW professional Apply SW ethical principles to practice Apply critical thinking to inform professional judgements Engage diversity and difference in practice Advance human rights and social/economic justice Engage in research- informed practice Apply knowledge of human behavior in the social environment Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being Respond to contexts that shape practice Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate at micro, mezzo, macro levels of practice
Competency Based Education: - Focuses on outcomes of learning. - Addresses what students are expected to do rather than on what they are expected to learn about. - Advocates defining educational goals in terms of precise measurable descriptions of knowledge, skills, and behaviors students should possess at end of the quarter/year.
Competency Definitions and Goals Competencies are measurable practice behaviors that are comprised of knowledge, values, and skills. The goal of the outcome approach is to demonstrate the integration and application of the competencies in practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
Competency Based Education 1. Specific, measurable competency activities. 2. Content based on student goals (outcome/competencies). 3. Student continues in program until demonstrating competency. 4. Uses a variety of instructional techniques and group activities.
Competency Based Field Education 5. Focus is on what the student needs to learn/demonstrate, in a social work practice context. 6. Provides students with immediate feedback on assessment performance. 7. Paces instruction to the students needs. 8. Have students demonstrate competency based on measurable learning activities.
Compentency Assessment 9. Assessment/Measurement Methods may Include: observed practice oral/written reports video/audio tapes reflective journal entries presentations case consultations
Field Education Build Competencies (set by CSWE/EPAS standards) and Practice Behaviors (defined by CSWE/SSW) through Learning experiences (Student/Field Instructor), evaluated by Assessment/Measurement Methods (Field Instructor/Student), and documented in Evaluation (Field Instructor/Student/Field Faculty)
Learning Activity A MICRO: Determine baseline functioning of three mental health clients based on criteria determined with Field Instructor. Use appropriate interventions and treatment plan over the course of practicum; evaluate change over time based on criteria. Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry. Use research evidence to inform practice. Report outcomes and discuss with Field Instructor.
Three Levels of Skills: 1) Micro MICRO ACTIVITIES: e.g. client interviews, case management, assessments and intervention with individuals and families. Meet with client to assess their progress in completing treatment plan. Teach and reinforce social skills with 2 children and their families.
2) Mezzo Skills MEZZO ACTIVITIES: e.g. plan, organize and lead/co-lead support, educational or therapy group, serve on agency committee, work on a task or multidisciplinary team Attend 1 agency Board of Directors meeting and discuss the dynamics in supervision. Attend and organize training sessions.
3) Macro Skills MACRO ACTIVITIES: e.g. participate in one or more of the following: program planning and/or evaluation, policy analysis, legislative advocacy, community organizing, coalition building, grant writing/fund development. Develop a resource manual for homeless women and children. Organize and convene a multiagency task force to address domestic violence issues in the community.
Liaison Visit: The Three Way Conference Field Faculty Assess Fit and Progress via Review > roles and responsibilities of each party > student interests, goals, background, abilities > Student fit with opportunities at agency > Learning Contract development and specificity of activities related to competencies > Progress, feedback, and evaluation of student > Credit hours, yearly plan Develop strategies for integrating theory and practice and for successful supervision Questions, challenges, trouble-shooting, next steps