Using Our Assessment Information to Inform Instruction SSRSB – Nov. 08
Goals for the afternoon What are the EEMLA and the ELLA and how do they fit within the big picture? How to interpret the reports? Looking at your school’s big picture How to develop plans to support learners? What supports are available for teachers in this process?
PLANS Program of Learning Assessment for Nova Scotia (PLANS) Provincial – Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 9 and 12 National- Pan Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) International- Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies (PIRLS)
Goals of Provincial testing It is an assessment program for Nova Scotia students. It provides information to improve the quality of educational decision making. It provides information to identify the needs of students so that they can be supported.
But, even more important… What happens on a daily basis in your classroom Using frequent assessments for learning Your periodic checks that verify learning
Using Assessment FOR Learning- Seven Strategies 1. Provide an understandable vision of the learning target. 2. Use Models of strong and weak work. 3. Offer descriptive feedback instead of just grades, on-class work as well as homework. Make your grading plan clear from the outset.
4. Teach students to self-assess, keep track of learning, and set goals. 5. Design mini-lessons to focus on one aspect of quality at a time. 6. Teach students focused revision. 7. Engage students in self-reflection and sharing what they know.
It is the teacher who makes the difference
Scale Scoring A Revised Format for Provincial Assessment Reports
Explain these percentage scores
Teachers, parents and the public alike think they know and understand simple scores like total scores, percent correct and percentile ranks. Teachers, parents and the public need to know and understand how to interpret scaled scores. Twing, J. (2002). Vice President, Psychometric Services, NCS Pearson Iowa City.
Beginning in , provincial assessments are being reported on a common scale.
Provincial Assessments/Exams ELLA- Early Literacy Assessment EEMLA- Early Elementary Mathematical Literacy Assessment ELA- Elementary Literacy Assessment JHLA- Junior High Literacy Assessment NSE- Nova Scotia Exams**
Scaled scores allow more accurate interpretations of assessment results. comparisons between categories within the assessment comparisons of results from year to year comparisons of results from one grade level assessment to another comparisons between subject areas
Scaling provides consistency in reporting any assessments results, while allowing for the assessments to vary in format, grade level, and year of administration. Most large-scaled assessment systems use scaled scores.
What is a Scale? A mathematical conversion of raw scores to a common scale. Different scales may be used to measure the same thing, but they are calibrated differently. (e.g. yard stick vs. metre stick, temperature- Celsius & Fahrenheit)
Cut Score Defines the point at which a certain required level of performance has been demonstrated on the assessment NOT a mean; the cut score can be above or below the mean
Cut Score Cut scores are set to identify students whose performance does: - not yet meet expectations - meets expectations
Properties of Provincial Scale The scale ranges from 200 to 800 Higher scores mean stronger performance
scale will avoid confusion with comparison to percentages (1-100) Aligns with national and international assessment scoring (PCAP, PISA, PIRLS)
Properties Distribution of Scores: Provincial mean is set to 500
On most provincial assessments, student performance will reflect- - Approx. 15% between About 65% between 400 and Generally 13-14% between And approx. 1-2% above 700
Early Language Literacy Assessment Given for the second time this school year. This assessment is administered at the end of Sept.
Purpose What are students asked to do on the ELLA? Reading scoring Oral Reading Record Writing marking session Questions?
Supporting our Learners Specific goals Explicit instruction Review and update of goals Frequent monitoring Descriptive feedback Transition planning
The Grade 4 Steps to Support
Step 1 –on our way June/Sept. meet with grade 3 teacher and establish initial literacy goal(s) for the grade 4 year. Use the form provided for this purpose. What happens if this did not happen?
Step Two With plans in hand get to know your students as literacy learners. In October/November begin to collect your ExSELL information. Use your ExSELL data together with your ongoing classroom assessments and to develop strategies to assist students in the next steps of their learning. Use the resources on the Support Plan website to assist you.Support Plan website Keep a record on your sheet started with the grade 3 teacher to show how the student is doing in relation to their term one goal.
Step Three Literacy Development Record (LDR) Grade 4 Data from term 1 Based on information about your learner establish literacy goal(s) for term 2
ExSELL Describes what the student can do as a reader- point form or any method of your choice. Describes what the student can do as a writer- point form or any method of your choice.
Connect with your students interests and help them to make connections at school.
This is where you started and at this stage you will be able to summarize your initial goal(s) established in your transition meetings. Where no meeting took place refer to page 13 of 19 in the LDR guide.
Term 2 Term 3
You will be provided time to meet for transition meetings. At those meetings you will have the opportunity to discuss literacy and numeracy.
Time to work on your plans You will have one sub day to be taken prior to Dec. 19 to work on your LDR’s Sub code 27 Form to be given for Dept. of Ed. completion will be sent to your school
ent.htm Additional Resources on Assessments in NS
Time to look at the resources provided