Better Regulation Provider Advisory Group 2 October 2009 Alan Rosenbach, Head of Strategy and Innovation, CQC Molly Corner, Strategy Development and Innovation Manager, CQC
Regulating effectively in partnership We will exemplify the five principles of better regulation We will work with others to share information about the quality and safety of care and the co-ordination of regulatory activities We will support our staff to deliver effective regulation Outcome measures Commissioners and providers consider the benefits of our regulation significantly outweigh the costs, and our actions are proportionate Our collaboration with other organisations reduces duplication in information requests and inspections We are considered to be a good employer and an effective regulator by staff
Principles of Better Regulation transparent accountable proportionate consistent targeted – only at cases where action is needed
Key drivers in the system Concordat Provider Advisory Group report – ‘What’s it All For?’ Lifting the Burdens Taskforce report – Review of Health and Social Care Burdens Increased alignment and reduction in administrative impact
Coordination of activity Collaborative scheduling group Coordination of on-site activity across regulators Will ensure there is agreement on schedules and principles for reducing burden of on-site activity Meets quarterly Gatekeeping Allows for prevention of unnecessary visits by other regulators Powers restricted to Audit Commission, Ofsted and the criminal justice inspectorates Intend to use the same principles for working with other partners on better coordination of site visits, although powers to prevent are not applicable to others
What’s it all for? CQC should: Operate in accordance with BR principles Use our gate keeping powers to minimise burden Effective mechanisms between RAIA, Monitor and SHAs Risk summits Maximise use of existing data collections Work with other parts of the system to drive improvement Maintain and advisory group to inform our work
Lifting Burdens Task Force CQC should: Be flexible in approach to data gathering Work with the SHA/GO to align interpretation of data analysis Share data and information on provision as quickly as possible Continue to align with CAA Work with ADASS to review implementation and effectiveness of contract monitoring/regulation protocol Share regulatory inspection data with councils to avoid duplication
Risk summits Working with 12 partner organisations at a local level - includes performance managers and non-statutory bodies as well as statutory regulators Discussion focused on individual NHS trusts to identify areas of mutual concern Development of joint regulatory plan between regulators and performance managers – identification of organisation with biggest lever for change to lead follow-up activity Potential for extension of approach to include social care and independent sector healthcare over time
A common view of risk A common risk framework has been developed with partners to support risk summits Alignment with individual organisations’ risk frameworks If regularly updated it can give an early indication of a problem – making follow-up activity more proportionate and targeted
Data and information – making use of what’s available Working with partner organisations to streamline data and information collection to inform registration and assessment of quality of performance Where possible we will use the findings of others to inform our work including registration – eg NHSLA, HSE, Audit Commission We are exploring with both local authorities and PCTs the feasibility of using data and information from contract and performance monitoring and management to inform our regulatory activities Looking at feasibility of using eg accreditation and peer review schemes to add to this pool of data and information
Internal processes Ensuring consistency in our decision making processes by developing relevant judgement and quality frameworks to support methodologies Developing robust quality assurance mechanisms to ensure methodologies are implemented consistently across the country Development of Quality and Risk Profiles to ensure all relevant data and information about an organisation is gathered together in one place to be able to inform our judgement processes, and to highlight areas of concern and good practice
Questions and discussion Is our general approach to Better Regulation right? What else could we be doing?