OWL-S for Amazon Amazon.com publishes a WS to browse its DB and reserve goods –At the time of this experiment Amazon published only the buyer WS –Interaction limited to browsing the server DB and reserving products purchase had to be done through the Web site OWL-S description generated from the WSDL that describes the Amazon WS + further annotation OWL-S VM has been used to interact with Amazon to find and reserve books
Translation Problems Translation Problem: Amazon uses only keyword searches, but each search can produce any product. –We had to restrict to the type of searches that were guaranteed to return books and CDs Data problem: translation from the Amazons data structure to the ontology used to describe IO –Amazon describes all its products in the same data structure: no distinction between books and dvd players –The Grounding specification includes a mapping from the content of the Amazons messages to the books ontologies that we used
Process Model for Amazon.com Process Model allows three operations: Browse: Allows the user to look for books available at Amazon Manage Account: check content of the shopping cart, add and remove products Shop: a sequence of the previous two. First browse to find the product, the put it in the shopping basket Process Model for Amazon.com Browse Manage Account Shop= Browse+Manage Account
Problem for automatic processing: Handling Choices Client should select the correct path to obtain the results it desires 3 choice points 3 choice points 11 valid execution paths 11 valid execution paths Each of them has a different outcome Find Book Find CD correct(ProcessModel,In,Out) hasProcess(Process,ProcessModel) correct(Process,In,Out,In,Out) correct(composite(Process,List,In,Out)) executable(list,In), expectedValue(oneOf(List),Out) executable(composite(Process,List),In) executable(list,In), exepectedValue(composite(Process,List), out) expectedValue(oneOf(List)) executable(atomic(Process),In) In inputs(Process) exepectedValue(atomic(Process),Out) Out Outputs(Process) We solved the problem by computing the path that lead to the expected effects