Revision: 0Effective Date: 10/12/13Version: 1.0 Doc. No: FET/LMC-04 PROCESS FLOW UPON P.O RECEIVED FROM FINANCE (FLOWCHART) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Start 1. Dean approved and signed the P.O End No Yes No Yes Legend:- ALO: FET Asset Liaison Officer 4. Requestor satisfied with Delivery / Services? Yes No 5. Vendor to rectify the delivery / services 2. FET admin staff inform Requestor, Vendor & ALO and or LMC Chairman 3. Delivery Of consignments / services 9. Admin staff generate Asset Declaration form 7. Requestor submit documents to Admin Office 8. P.O requires Asset Tagging? 12. Finance issued asset tagging 13. ALO attached asset sticker on purchase items. 10. Admin staff submit all documents to Finance 6. Requestor lodged official complain to Faculty 11. Asset tagging needed ?
Ref. No.DescriptionForm / ReportPerson In-charge 1 & 2Once Dean has signed on the P.O, the appointed admin staff would inform via to the requestor and ALO (and if purchase goes through LMC or for teaching labs, then LMC Chairman would be inform as well) with relevant information of the purchase and seek the requestor to collect the P.O document from Admin Office Admin Staff, Requestor and ALO 2The appointed admin staff would then inform the successful company that hey have been selected to supply the consignment / service as mentioned in the P.O. Requestor may also liaise with the vendor on the expected delivery period and to enquire about the delivery method, checking, testing and commissioning process. Admin Staff, Requestor 3, 4, 5, 6During the delivery of Consignment / Services, requestor must be present while the requestor superior and or ALO needs to verify as witness that the delivery process is complete. Commissioning of delivered items or services needed to be done before invoice and P.O signed by requestor. Should requestor not satisfy with the delivered items / services, he or she needs to ensure the vendor rectify the issue or requestor can lodge an official complain to Faculty for further action. Requestor, Requestor’s Supervisor, and or ALO 7.After delivery and commissioning done, requestor would submit the signed documents which are P.O, Invoices and D.O to admin staff P.O, Invoice, D.O Requestor 8.The admin staff would determine if the purchase contents requires to be declared as fixed asset as per guideline by Finance Procurement. Form:- Asset Declaration form (MMU/FIN-ADF01) Admin Staff 9.If the purchase contents are subjected to fixed asset declaration, the admin staff would generate the Asset Declaration form. Admin Staff 10.The Admin staff would compile and submit all the necessary documents to Finance for further process. Admin Staff 11, 12When fixed asset tagging is to be issued, the Finance Fixed Asset unit would generate the asset tagging and once ready would inform the ALO to collect the asset stickers. ALO 13ALO would inform requestor to provide further info such as Model, Serial number, etc for record purpose. ALO would then attached the asset sticker on the physical body of the items. Form:- FET Asset Declaration Record (FET Internal) ALO and Requestor Revision: 0Effective Date: 10/12/13Version: 1.0 Doc. No: FET/LMC-04 PROCESS FLOW UPON P.O RECEIVED FROM FINANCE (FLOWCHART) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY