Steps in the Advocacy Process Identify advocacy issue, goal, and objective(s) Determine target audiences Develop advocacy messages Build support Choose communication channels Raise funds Implementation Evaluate results Collect data and monitor activities (ongoing)
Steps in the Advocacy Process Identify advocacy issue, goal, and objective(s) Determine target audiences Develop advocacy messages Build support Choose communication channels Raise funds Implementation Evaluate results Collect data and monitor activities (ongoing)
Implementation Moving from developing skills…... …… planning for action
What is an Action Plan? A set of orchestrated activities specifically designed to achieve advocacy objective
Components of an Action Plan What Who When How
An Important Reminder An Action Plan may be completed after you conduct the activities, however… The Advocacy Objective is achieved only after the targeted policy maker acts
Components of an Action Plan What Who When How Expected Results Documentation of Results
Advocacy Communication Three levels of advocacy communication –Inform –Persuade –Move to action
Documenting Advocacy Results Three Levels of Evidence –Inform –Persuade –Move to action
Documenting Advocacy Results Evidence of informing target audience –Meeting agendas and attendance lists –Documents distributed to target audience –Dissemination lists –Cover letter transmitting documents –Stamped receipt notices –Confirmation of presentation made
Documenting Advocacy Results Evidence of persuading target audience –Published articles that indicate support –Documented public statements of support, speeches, political party platforms –Written statements of support –(Increased commitment requires a baseline; new commitment must be documents)
Documenting Advocacy Results Evidence of moving target audience to action –Copy of changed legislation –Copy of new legislation or policy –Copy of decree or directive –Copy of adopted program –Copy of budget allocation –Copy of strategic plan, guidelines signed
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead