Megan Kaun San Francisco District (415) US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® San Francisco District Sediment Transport Modeling to Inform Dredged Material Management 20 April 2010
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-092 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District Topics for Discussion SF Bay Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP). Information Gaps Important to USACE Dredging Program. Recent USACE SF Bay Sediment Modeling. USACE “White Paper” Model Evaluation. Proposed Modeling Strategy for DMMP.
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-093 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District S.F. Bay Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) 20-year management plan for sediments dredged by USACE in SF Bay Region. 11 Federal Channels Includes O&M dredging & new work. Tiered under LTMS program (40/40/20 plan). Scheduled for 2012 completion. Sediment modeling “White Paper” presents research options to program managers.
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-094 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District USACE Dredging Program Information Gaps Changes to navigational dredging requirements as a result of sea level rise and decreasing sediment load. Increase in annual O&M dredging volumes as a result of new work & deepening projects. Potential to use sediment as a resource.
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-095 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District USACE SF Bay Sediment Modeling Deep Water Ship Channels (SF Bay to Stockton and Sacramento) UnTRIM (3D) Hamilton Restoration Area, Aquatic Transfer Facility (ATF) UnTRIM (3D) + Particle Tracking Model (FISH-PTM) South Bay Shoreline ADH (2D)
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-096 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District Deep Water Ship Channels: SF Bay to Stockton &Sacramento 3D UnTRIM UnTRIM model used to estimate shoaling based on bottom shear stress in proposed ship channels. With and without sea level rise conditions. UnTRIM Model Domain
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-097 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District Hamilton Restoration Area, ATF 3D UnTRIM + FISH-PTM UnTRIM model used to calculate 3D velocity field for a given time interval. Particle tracking (FISH-PTM) used to estimate fate of placed sediment. Predicted deposition patterns resulting from repeated dredged sediment placement (spring tides).
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-098 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District South Bay Shoreline ADH (2D) Boundary Conditions: (Tide and Surge) Boundary Conditions: (Tide and Surge) Wind (speed and direction) Wind (speed and direction) Coarse Grid Fine Grid
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-099 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District “White Paper” Model Evaluation Prefer a Hydrodynamic + Wind Wave model + Sediment Transport (cohesive and non-cohesive) model that has/is: 3D capabilities to represent “gravitational circulation”, An unstructured grid to capture complex geometry/bathymetry, Able to simulate hydraulic structures, Well documented/tested and supported by scientific community, Available to apply to SF Bay study area now to include results in 2012 DMMP. Models considered include: ADH, CMS, DELFT3D, EFDC, MIKE3, UnTRIM, SUNTANS.
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-0910 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District Proposed Modeling Strategy, 2012 DMMP Expand UnTRIM 3D Hydrodynamic model: Integrate 3D Sediment Transport model (SediMorph). Link to wind wave model (K-model/SWAN). Calibrate & verify model: Hydrodynamic model calibration will be refined, especially in the Central & South Bay. Wind wave model will be calibrated using wave data. Sediment transport model will be calibrated to (limited) sediment flux data.
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-0911 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District Proposed Modeling Strategy, 2012 DMMP (cont.) Primary model application: Identify and assess aquatic locations for potential beneficial use sites. Proposed beneficial use sites will be screened by DMMP/LTMS team as areas for future pilot studies. Secondary model application: Approximate changes to USACE maintenance dredging needs over next 20 years (2035) at selected SF Bay federal navigation channels due to sea level rise and decreased sediment loads.
BUILDING STRONG ® As of 18-Aug-0912 US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District Questions? Megan Kaun (415) Frank Wu (415)