Inform or Persuade: Some Theoretical Issues Whether any form of irrational persuasion is ethically wrong? Whether advertiser should feel a moral duty to confine themselves only to information rather than persuasion? Whether any form of irrational persuasion is ethically wrong? Whether advertiser should feel a moral duty to confine themselves only to information rather than persuasion?
Inform or Persuade: Some Theoretical Issues Consequentionalists point out to the undesirable outcomes of certain types of persuasion. Non-consequentialists insist that there is something inherently objectionable about the methods of certain types of persuasion themselves. Consequentionalists point out to the undesirable outcomes of certain types of persuasion. Non-consequentialists insist that there is something inherently objectionable about the methods of certain types of persuasion themselves.
Inform or Persuade: Some Theoretical Issues Right-based perspective: Right to know is paramount; consumers have a right to disclosure of full information about the cons as well pros of the thing being promoted in order to reach the decision.
Inform or Persuade: Some Theoretical Issues If tests results from MR (motivational Research), then Packard would question whether advertisers have a right to information about individuals that goes deeper than their own awareness of themselves.
Inform or Persuade: Some Theoretical Issues For Kant (the deontologist) the principle of ‘respect for person’ demands that human being must be respected absolutely and any form of persuasion which is less than rational is an assault on the integrity of the individual and hence unacceptable. Such promotions treat consumers as a means to an end. For Kant (the deontologist) the principle of ‘respect for person’ demands that human being must be respected absolutely and any form of persuasion which is less than rational is an assault on the integrity of the individual and hence unacceptable. Such promotions treat consumers as a means to an end.
Consensus Utilitarian depending on the result of weighing up conflicting (positive / negative) factors, they will reach the decision. What different theoretical perspectives have in common is that they agree on the necessity for full disclosure of information. Right-based approach stresses the right to know. Utilitarian depending on the result of weighing up conflicting (positive / negative) factors, they will reach the decision. What different theoretical perspectives have in common is that they agree on the necessity for full disclosure of information. Right-based approach stresses the right to know.
Consensus Respect for person entails not duping them into decisions which bypass their rational processes. The utilitarian needs full information on which to asses the consequences of acceptance and rejection. Unanimous insistence on honest disclosure is a challenge to advertising. Respect for person entails not duping them into decisions which bypass their rational processes. The utilitarian needs full information on which to asses the consequences of acceptance and rejection. Unanimous insistence on honest disclosure is a challenge to advertising.
Full disclosure: A Challenge to ad. Should advertising only persuade or inform? Insisting on information means the proper model for the advertiser- consumer relationship is to see consumer as having pre-determined wants, and ideal advertisers are those who give them the relevant information. Should advertising only persuade or inform? Insisting on information means the proper model for the advertiser- consumer relationship is to see consumer as having pre-determined wants, and ideal advertisers are those who give them the relevant information.
If persuasion is legitimate then on the ‘persuasion’ model, advertisers not only satisfy existing desires: he can create new wants.
Full disclosure: A Challenge to ad. Persuasion is not always bad. We sometimes only appreciate fully the benefits of a new product after once the purchase has been made. (Microwave ovens) Persuasion is not always bad. We sometimes only appreciate fully the benefits of a new product after once the purchase has been made. (Microwave ovens)
Galbraith Vs. von Hayek Galbraith, John Kenneth (1908- ), American economist. He was born in Ontario. In the 1930’s and 1940’s Galbraith taught economics at Harvard University and Princeton University. Galbraith wrote American Capitalism (1951), a discussion of the balance of economic power among major United States companies. Galbraith, John Kenneth (1908- ), American economist. He was born in Ontario. In the 1930’s and 1940’s Galbraith taught economics at Harvard University and Princeton University. Galbraith wrote American Capitalism (1951), a discussion of the balance of economic power among major United States companies.
Galbraith Vs. von Hayek The Affluent Society (1958), in which he asserted that the United States had reached a stage in its economic development that should enable it to direct its resources less to the production of consumer goods and more toward providing better public services.