Database Detail ABI/INFORM ABI/INFORM® has been one of the most comprehensive sources of business information for more than 30 years. This database content help researchers track business and economic conditions, trends, corporate strategies, management techniques ABI/INFORM provides fast, easy access to information on almost 200,000 companies, with coverage from at least 1992 forward and with backfile coverage to 1971.
Database Detail ABI/INFORM ABI Inform database had divide the article type follow by business subject that contain with the company’s data more than 60,000 companies such as general data, market status, case study and business trend around the world. The user can searching ABI Inform data via by PROQUEST website which provide printing in the business context more than 3,000 subject and the user can searching in the form of Full Text, Page image or Text+Graphics.
DATABASE DETAIL Form : - Abstract - Full Text - Full Text image - Text + Graphics
Database Detail ABI/Inform Dateline Context : ABI/INFORM Dateline™ delivers 175 journals, It includes hard-to-find local and regional business publications with news about local companies, analysis, information on local markets, and more. ABI/INFORM Dateline allows users to learn about corporate strategies, and other topics from a local and regional perspective in United State and Canada Title Include : ColoradoBiz, Crain’s Chicago Business, Manitoba Business, New Orleans CityBusiness, San Diego Business Journal
รายละเอียดฐานข้อมูล ABI/Inform Global Context : - There are provide data more than 350 sources in English language print external United State. - Searching full text article more than 2,000 titles. Back file coverage : - From 1971 – present.
Database Detail ABI/Inform Trade & Industry Context : ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, users can study and compare specific trades and industries, including telecommunications, computing, transportation, construction, petrochemicals and many others. With over 1,160 in full-text Title include : Automotive News, Communications Today, International Construction, Modern Machine Shop, Network World
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