Capítulo Preliminario A Read the top 100 Latino baby names in the US last year. Read the top 100 Latino baby names in the US last year. Choose a new Spanish name to use for the entire year. Choose a new Spanish name to use for the entire year. Take a cardstock sheet and make a nametag: Take a cardstock sheet and make a nametag: Fold it in half – “hot dog” style Fold it in half – “hot dog” style On one side, write your Spanish name and last name On one side, write your Spanish name and last name On the other side, write your real name and last name On the other side, write your real name and last name Spanish Side: English Side: Target: Greet people informally
In the United States, there are 50 million people of Hispanic heritage. That’s 1 in every 6 people living here. What names did they choose for their babies? Target: Greet people informally
Choose your Spanish name: Choose your Spanish name: Greet someone: Greet someone: How do you say Hello, I’m ______, What’s up? ok/well, thanks? el 3 de septiembre Target: Greet people informally
¡Hola! ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? Primer Compañero: Segundo Compañero: Target: Greet people informally
Greet these Spanish Speaking Friends: 1.Mario4. Felipe 2.Alejandra5. Vicente 3.Julia6. Andrea ¡Hola, _____________! ¿Qué tal? 1) Turn to an amigo. 2) Decide which of you is going to do odd or even. 3) Greet each of the people in numbers 1-6. Follow the red model below. Target: Greet people informally
Time to race against the Speaker People! Speaker People! This time, we do the activity as a class. 1)Listen to the prompt. 2)Greet the person just like you practiced. 3)Get a correct answer out before the speaker people correct you! 4)Click for the model. Target: Greet people informally
Greet these Spanish Speaking Friends: 1.Mario4. Felipe 2.Alejandra5. Vicente 3.Julia6. Andrea ¡Hola, _____________! ¿Qué tal? Target: Greet people informally
¡Hola! ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? Bien, ¿y tú? Bien, gracias Primer Compañero:Segundo Compañero: Target: Greet people informally
This year, you’re going to work with a LOT of dialogs. A dialog is when people are talking to one another. Having you work with dialogs helps you show that you can meet your target. Target: Greet people informally
To succeed on your tests, you must know how dialogs work! Tip for success: Don’t EVER skip your partner practice! You’ll need it for your tests!
With a partner, put together a logical conversation using the bubbles. Pedro = yellow shirt Juan = red shirt Show it that you know it!!! Left side of the class, you’re Pedro, in the yellow shirt… Right side, you’re Juan, in the red shirt… Chorally, perform the dialog! Target: Greet people informally
Choose your Spanish name: Choose your Spanish name: Greet someone: Greet someone: How do you say Hello, I’m ______, What’s up?, ok/well, thanks? HW: Get your syllabus signed by your parent el 3 de septiembre Target: Greet people informally