Def: To tell somebody; to communicate information or knowledge to someone Key words and phrases How you can… How to… Directions:... Helpful tips:… Strategies:… Ways to… Informational types of writing Newspaper Advertisement Cook books How to guides Encyclopedia Biographies
Author’s Purpose: Inform Who What When Signal Words: Where Why How Variations of Informational Text: Encyclopedias Text books Newspaper articles Nonfiction books Biographies Dictionaries Informative \ in-for-met-iv\ adj : providing knowledge : INSTRUCTIVE
Author’s Purpose/ Persuasive Writing To persuade means to objectively seek to change another’s opinion on a topic. Examples: You should buy this book because it is a best seller. I think I should have my own computer. You NEED to get a dinosaur! Books are better than magazines because they improve reading fluency. Larger people should like little people because they are 90% better at bowling. You should not listen to bad music because it might provoke suicide. Some word that signal the fact that you are reading a persuasive piece are: You should I believe You need Are better Should not It is worse If you
Author’s Purpose: Persuasive Writing Persuasive writing: writing used to convince or influence someone to do or believe in something. This can be found in T.V. commercials, essays, speeches, advertisements, newspapers, campaigns, etc. 6 Words that indicate persuasive writing are: “should,” “believe,” “accept,” “allow,” “consider,” and “because.”
Author’s Purpose: Narrate Definition – (v) To give a spoken or written account of; tell a story Types of writing : 1) Fiction books 2) Journal 3) Short stories 4) Comics 5) Biography 6) History text book Signal words : Once upon a time Since then Way back when Throughout the day For now, goodbye
Narrative Writing Narrative: “A story or account of events, experiences, whether true or fictitious.” Writing Involving this Process: Movie scripts Books Police reports Interview reports Interrogations Biographies Mystery stories Flash backs Signal Words: Yesterday Meanwhile Prior to Before After Now Next In the future
The apple was red and shiny. The book had a smooth leather binding. My friend’s cat was small and furry. I just bought a really fast computer. For Thanksgiving, my mom bought lots of delicious stuffing. Describe – to tell or write in detail. ~Webster’s new world dictionary for adults. i.e.-
Author’s Purpose: Describe Types of writing that describe: Fiction Nonfiction Journal Entries Fantasy Advertisements Poems Cook books Describe: (v) to explain something: to give an account of something by giving details of its characteristics Signal Words: for instance… for examples… such as… to illustrate… another most important
Signal words: Once upon a time. Just so you know! Bang! Pow! Boom! Smash! Crash! Mwahahahaha! Super hero Super power pizzazz Variations that use this purpose: Comics Fictional Books Television Video Games Lyrics plays Fairy tales Entertain: The act or process of providing pleasure, recreation, or amusement.
Entertainment: To provide someone with amusement or enjoyment Entertainment Genres Fiction novel Comics Plays Sitcom TV shows Comedian shows Radio Fiction novel Comics Plays Sitcom TV shows Comedian shows Radio Signal Words Once upon a time In a galaxy far, far away This one time at band camp It was fun when we used to Last night at the party Knock, knock Once upon a time In a galaxy far, far away This one time at band camp It was fun when we used to Last night at the party Knock, knock