Structure of session Current context related to effective reunification Case study examples Small group discussion and feedback Relating costs and outcomes of effective reunification and potential costs avoided
Current context related to effective reunification Existing national data and research evidence base Need for appropriate assessment, support and services for children and families on return home Potential longer term costs avoided?
Current context related to effective reunification Department for Education – Improving permanence for looked after children Consultation autumn 2013 Data pack published September 2013 Expert working group Publication of Research priorities 2014 Commissioned two research projects
Current context related to effective reunification Developing and implementing a new practice framework on return home from care (Bristol University and NSPCC) Taking Care service Three local authorities Until July 2015
Current context related to effective reunification Improving practice in respect of children who return home from care (NCB and CCFR) Until March 2015 Eight local authorities (case studies) Learning sets and coaching model
Current context related to effective reunification Evaluation of NSPCC Taking Care service Nine local authorities Two elements Location studies Case studies Report available later in 2014
Current context related to effective reunification Explore costs of reunification – (NSPCC) Costs and outcomes research programme How the research evidence has and can be used to inform practice and policy Potential longer term saving of providing appropriate assessment, support and services
Costs and outcomes research programme Explore the relationship between needs, costs and outcomes for vulnerable children and their families Process driven approach Bottom up costing methodology Modelling unit costs using routinely collected child level data
Current context related to effective reunification Explore costs of reunification Costs and outcomes research programme How the research evidence has and can be used to inform practice and policy Potential longer term saving of providing appropriate assessment, support and services
Small group discussions Case study examples 11
Group discussion Appoint spokesperson Consider the case examples What are the key decision points? How could the reunification process be changed? Assessment Support Services What are the potential cost implications of these changes? What potential longer term costs might be avoided? 12
Making use of aggregated data Individual case studies may be useful to illustrate key decisions and outcomes Aggregated information to inform strategic planning and commissioning: Analysis by child needs or circumstance Analysis by placement type, provider or service Analysis by outcome 13
Costs of effective reunification Make use of existing national data Developed a series of assumptions based on existing research evidence National cost estimations Identified a break even point Next steps Customised versions for local authorities? Short report
Further information Lisa Holmes