Daily Formative Assessments Marietta Lachenauer Jennifer Taylor Dennis Taylor
Objectives To refresh our memories about the process of formative assessment by completing a close read Learn 2-3 ways to formatively assess your students by reading and sharing about, and watching formative assessments in action Think about how to track student’s progress and use this data to inform instruction through your grade book.
“Students need constructive feedback on how to achieve the targets and guidepost measures along the way, not simply feedback on whether they reached the targets or not. It is formative assessment rather than summative assessment that will make the greatest difference.” - Laura Greenstein
NYSUT Rubric Element 3.6.A: Teachers monitor and assess student progress, seek and provide feedback, and adapt instruction to student needs. NYSED Indicators: Utilize various types of formative assessment during instruction to monitor and check for student understanding and assess progress. Seek and provide feedback during and after instruction. Adjust the pace of instruction, focus of instruction, and method of delivery based on student progress.
NYSUT Rubric- 3.6.A Effective: Teacher frequently uses formative assessment to immediately inform instruction. Teacher monitors the progress of students, using assessment data. Highly Effective: Teacher always uses formative assessment to immediately inform instruction. Teacher monitors the progress of individual students and uses a variety of formative assessments to adjust and differentiate instruction to meet individual needs.
Close Reading Look at the the title and text features. Notice how the article has been chunked and eachsubheading supports the title. Read section 1 – underline the author’s claim Read section 2 – draw a connection betweenbetween the author’s experience and your own Read section 4 – underline two observationalstrategies that can be used in class PAIR AND SHARE – share your observations with yourneighbor
Formative Assessment Is Student Focused In brief: Formative assessment helps teachers : Consider each student's learning needs and styles and adapt instruction accordingly Track individual student achievement Provide appropriately challenging and motivational instructional activities Design intentional and objective student self- assessments Offer all students opportunities for improvement
Formative Assessment Is Instructionally Informative In brief: Formative assessment: Provides a way to align standards, content, and assessment Allows for the purposeful selection of strategies Embeds assessment in instruction Guides instructional decisions
Formative Assessment Is Outcomes Based In brief: Formative assessment Emphasizes learning outcomes Makes goals and standards transparent to students Provides clear assessment criteria Closes the gap between what students know and desired outcomes Provides feedback that is comprehensible, actionable, and relevant Provides valuable diagnostic information by generating informative data
Formative Assessment Strategies Go through the following list Place a √ next to items you have previously used in your classroom Place a next to any ideas that you can use immediately in your classroom! Be ready to share how you can use some of these! ☺
Share Please share out with 3-4 people around you which strategies you would like to try. Please be sure that everyone is allowed to share one new strategy. If someone has already used this strategy, please share an insight about it!
Videos Entrance ticket with self-correction Entrance ticket with self-correction Youtube clip Youtube clip
Videos Marker boards (Fact/Fiction) Marker boards (Fact/Fiction) Youtube clip Youtube clip
Videos Peer response/coaching Peer response/coaching Youtube clip Youtube clip
Videos Question of the day Question of the day Youtube clip Youtube clip
Videos Thumbs-up/Thumbs-down Thumbs-up/Thumbs-down Youtube clip Youtube clip
3 categories of formative assessments 1. Review of most important content taught thus far during the year based upon results of the baseline and mid-term assessments. 2. Most important concepts of the current unit. (grade book) 3. Daily formative assessments to adjust and differentiate instruction to meet individual needs. (checking for understanding)
Jen’s grade book
Triple S with T After school study sessions (by invitation) based upon the results of consistent formative assessments throughout the unit.
Baseline to Mid-term student comparison
In closing, share about one of these topics with someone on your way out the door! The process of formative assessment New ways to formatively assess students Tracking student’s progress