Presented by: Kelly Bairos, PhD student Faculty of Education, Western University on behalf of Dr. Katina Pollock, Assistant Professor Faculty of Education, Western University
OVERVIEW: What is knowledge mobilization? Knowledge mobilization and implications for policy Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research KNAER’s genesis What does the KNAER do? How does such a collaboration work? Successes Challenges Potential for the KNAER to inform policy Recommendations
WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE MOBILIZATION? General definition Umbrella term Knowledge management Knowledge transfer Knowledge translation Knowledge exchange Defined in light of education “the ways in which well-validated bodies of knowledge about education, resulting from extensive empirical enquiry, are connected to, or influence, policy and practice in the education system” (OERP)
KNOWLEDGE MOBILIZATION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY Governments are in a unique position Procure research services Commission systematic reviews of research in the field Ability to establish large-scale networks that involve many stakeholders Actionable messages
What is the KNAER? Tri-partite agreement between Ontario Ministry of Education, University of Toronto, and University of Western Ontario Government-university partnership designed to create supporting conditions for mobilizing research knowledge in order to improve practice across an education system KNAER: ITS GENESIS
Why was it formed? Part of larger MOE strategy to advance evidence-based and research-informed policies, programs, and practices across education system Developed as result of MOE’s desire to create a successful KM network for teachers, administrators, researchers, intermediaries, and policy-makers KNAER: ITS GENESIS
Who was funded? 44 knowledge mobilization projects funded, including: 22 universities 8 colleges 35 school districts 10 health organizations 60 intermediary organizations KNAER: ITS GENESIS
Funds projects that encourage research users to shape and filter new knowledge and adapt to own environments through use of networks At same time enters into partnerships Works towards facilitating communication and transferring findings Also acts as “knowledge broker” KNAER: WHAT DOES IT DO?
KNAER: HOW DOES SUCH A COLLABORATION WORK? Planning and Implementation Committee (PIC) Selection of projects and service contracts Operationalization and administration Administration of funding
KNAER: SUCCESSES Enthusiastic response from the sector 109 proposals received from sector featuring partnerships of over 140 organizations Multiple partnerships and emerging networks Extension of the KNAER to 2013 Projects reaching beyond traditional dissemination methods
KNAER: CHALLENGES ‘Know-how’ of knowledge mobilization Organizational and administrative Time Financial management
KNAER: POTENTIAL TO INFORM POLICY Education Research and Evaluation Strategy Branch making conscious effort to loop KNAER activities back into ministry Initial connection points in area of knowledge sharing and interaction Ontario Education Research Symposium – connects researchers, educators, and policy makers Policy Research Connections Series
KNAER: RECOMMENDATIONS Provide opportunities for potential projects to learn various knowledge mobilization strategies ahead of designing KM projects Intentionally make an effort to understand organizational differences – a true partnership with shared decision-making Build in extra time throughout the entire process (e.g., procurement, implementation, evaluation, etc.)
CONTACT Dr. Katina Pollock, Assistant Professor Faculty of Education, Western University Co-Director - KNAER Kelly Bairos, PhD student Faculty of Education, Western University Network Manager - KNAER