AP Biology Exam A brief guide
The Format Two Sections Section I- Multiple Choice 100 questions in 80 min. 60% of total score Take 1/4 point off for wrong answers none for blank answers Section II- Free Response (essay) 4 essays in 90 mins with 10 min to read before hand 40% of total score
Types of Multiple Choice Not all questions are the same Factual questions Reverse questions Conceptual-thematic questions Matching questions Lab based or experimental questions
Free response 4 Essays Usually one from each of the three topics plus one based on a laboratory experience. Each essay has it own scoring rubric
Day of Exam May 11th 2009 Arrive Early Bring photo ID Bring several sharpened pencils Bring several black ballpoint pens Where a watch Cells phones and ipods are not allowed
Grading of Exam Raw score are converted to a five point scale 5- extremely well qualified 4- well qualified 3- qualified 2- possibly qualified 1- no recommendation
Section I Strategies Know the question format Leave harder questions blank and come back to them later Read each question carefully Read each response before you make your decision
Section II Strategies During 10 minute reading organize your thoughts, outline Address each part of the question Know your testing vocabulary (I.e. Analyze, compare, contrast, etc) Some questions require graphs make sure to label each axis and title For lab exercises state the variables, controls, hypothesis, etc.