SWPBS Implementation Blueprint - revised George Sugai OSEP Center on PBIS Center for Behavioral Education & Research University of Connecticut Mar
PURPOSE To describe how district & school leadership teams can use updated SWPBS Implementation Blueprint to develop & guide their implementation efforts. SWPBS Foundations SWPBS Implementation Guidelines SWPBS Implementation Blueprint Discussion
SWPBS Foundations
“Abbreviated” SWPBS History
SWPBS Implementation Guidelines
Implementation Challenge
SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making 1. Implementation is Interactive & Informing
2. Implementation involves stakeholders at multiple levels Student Classroom School State District
3. Implementation progresses through phases
4. Sustainable Implementation requires continuous regeneration Valued Outcomes Continuous Self-Assessment Practice Implementation Effective Practices Relevance Priority Efficacy Fidelity
5. Implementation success based on multiple criteria
6. Implementation based on scalable evidence- based practices Horner, 2010
Horner, R. H., Sugai, G., & Anderson, C. M. (2010). Examining the evidence base for school-wide positive behavior support. Focus on Exceptionality. “Is SWPBS evidence- based practice?”
Classroom SWPBS Practices Non-classroom Family Student School-wide Smallest # Evidence-based Biggest, durable effect
SCHOOL-WIDE 1.Leadership team 2.Behavior purpose statement 3.Set of positive expectations & behaviors 4.Procedures for teaching SW & classroom-wide expected behavior 5.Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 6.Continuum of procedures for discouraging rule violations 7.Procedures for on-going data-based monitoring & evaluation EVIDENCE- BASED INTERVENTION PRACTICES CLASSROOM 1.All school-wide 2.Maximum structure & predictability in routines & environment 3.Positively stated expectations posted, taught, reviewed, prompted, & supervised. 4.Maximum engagement through high rates of opportunities to respond, delivery of evidence- based instructional curriculum & practices 5.Continuum of strategies to acknowledge displays of appropriate behavior. 6.Continuum of strategies for responding to inappropriate behavior. INDIVIDUAL STUDENT 1.Behavioral competence at school & district levels 2.Function-based behavior support planning 3.Team- & data-based decision making 4.Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes 5.Targeted social skills & self-management instruction 6. Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations NONCLASSROOM 1.Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged 2.Active supervision by all staff (Scan, move, interact) 3.Precorrections & reminders 4.Positive reinforcement FAMILY ENGAGEMENT 1.Continuum of positive behavior support for all families 2.Frequent, regular positive contacts, communications, & acknowledgements 3.Formal & active participation & involvement as equal partner 4.Access to system of integrated school & community resources
7. Practices must be implemented with integrity Sanetti & Kratochwill, 2009
8. Policy & practice inform each other Fixsen & Blase, 2007
9. Implementation is systemic
10. Implementation decisions based on student responsiveness to intervention RtI
4 Main Data Concerns
11. Implementation is team-based, strategic action planning process Agreements Team Data-based Action Plan ImplementationEvaluation
SWPBS Implementation Blueprint - rev
SWPBS Implementation Blueprint
User’s Quick Access Guide Other Implementation Science Policy & Expertise 15+ Years Implementation Experience
Dean Fixsen Karen Blase UNC
Effective Implementation Science (SISEP) Implementation Stages Implementation Drivers PEP –PIP Loops Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
Blueprint Self-Assessment
Blueprint Blueprint Planning Tool
Leadership Team 1.Multi-school & district capacity 2.Membership representation 3.Blueprint self-assessment 4.Three-five year action plan 5.Regular meeting schedule 6.Coordinator 7.Implementation team 8.Evaluator 9.Decision making authority
22.Evidence- based practices & professional development 23.Plan for local training capacity 24.Plan for continuous regeneration 25.Local & regional coaching network 26.Monthly (new) & quarterly (established) coaching 27.Internal & external coaching functions 28.Implementation evaluation process & schedule 29.School based data system 30.District/state systems evaluation 31.Dissemination of annual report 32.Quarterly celebration & acknowledge- ment of accomplish- ments & outcomes 33.At least 2 individuals w/ SWPBS systems expertise 34.Individuals w/ behavioral expertise 35.Academic- behavioral expertise 36.Process & organizational expertise TrainingCoachingEvaluationExpertise
CT Training Capacity Feb 2010 See PBIS Training Blueprint
Funding Political Support VisibilityPolicy 10.Three years stable district/state funding 11.Assessment & Integration of organizational resources 12.Dissemination strategies to inform stakeholders 13.Quarterly & public acknowledgem ents 14.Social behavior in top 3 priorities 15.Annual leadership report to political unit 16.State chief participation & support 17.Endorsed SWPBS policy statement 18.Written procedural guidelines & agreements 19.Semi-annual outcome review to inform policy 20.Cross-initiative audit of implementation integrity 21.Action plan for integrated implementation
Initiative, Project, Committee PurposeOutcomeTarget Group Staff Involved SIP/SID/e tc Attendance Committee Character Education Safety Committee School Spirit Committee Discipline Committee DARE Committee EBS Work Group Working Smarter
Local School/District Implementation Demonstration 37.At least 10 local school demonstrations of SWPBS process & outcomes 38.At least 2 districts/regional demonstrations of system-level leadership teams (25% of schools)