An overview: INDIE general meeting 23/09/2014
A bit about me Research (MA, PhD and funded publications): Digital Divide & digital Inclusion, e-learning, large group teaching and innovative application of IT to learning. Ten years lecturing in Maynooth University. Currently a Lecturer and Department Schools Liaison & eLearning Representative in The Department of Geography in Maynooth University. Deliver modules for The Department of European Studies and The Adult Education Department. Lecturing: - First year Introduction to Geography. >400 students entirely continuously assessed and online group and individual work; - First year European Studies module including an online group and individual work and research skills applied to specific countries - Second Year Methods of Geographical Analysis (research methods, applying IT and digital mapping); - Second and third year modules on the Geography of the Information Society / Economy; - Third year Information society tutorial modules; - Adult Education: Understanding and analysing Local Spaces; - Transition Year classes and training in the university and their schools linked to Sesadi. Steering Committee for INDIE
eDucation Education is changing rapidly: e.g. Internet research / eLearning / YouTube / VLEs / Open access online modules eDucation: to remove the entirely one way flow of information while facilitating student generated instructional content across all educational levels Peer generated content: Need for a quality controlled and uniformly formatted YouTube channel / Website for students to inform other students (and teachers) whether learning in a university, school or a community group Informational Worker Skills: Basic third level research and analytical skills can be provided to all regardless of whether they can attend college or not Online Modules: Creating open access tailor-made online modules that complement what students are currently being taught for any group or school taking part
Digital Inclusion Currently a somewhat disjointed approach: Need to promote and assist collaboration between groups teaching IT to the disadvantaged Vital data required: Internet quality and use survey based upon the Eurostat European Union Survey on ICT usage There is a need for the gathering of vital data from households and the individuals most in need of assistance on a continuous basis rather than representative sample groups and the limited outputs from the census. The Sesadi approach facilitates this Powerful tool: This database can be used to teach students in an applied collaborative environment but may also accurately inform future policy makers and strengthen the position of INDIE and its members The above approach becomes more powerful as it becomes national and European in scope
The Sesadi Project Overview: An incentivised educational service created by students for students and teachers A portal / digital learning repository for students to promote their work via instructional clips and to provide useful information for their peers and teachers Designed to complement and promote their current studies while developing further IT / informational skills Teaches the gathering, mapping and comparative analysis of digital inclusion vital data linked to CSO data All content / instructional clips created by students fall into one of the three main categories Online modules will be created using these clips - in conjunction with the teachers involved - for their future students Where suitable, these modules will contain further information developing place-based learning online. The outcomes from this will act as the basis of a local encyclopaedia within the Sesadi site This (and the digital inclusion data) will both inform Irish students and act as the basis for teaching international students as part of an EU collaborative learning experiment
The Instructional Clips: These can be screen casts, videos or anything the student wishes to use to present. Student creativity is encouraged with prizes (mountain bikes / Tablets etc) for some groups and individuals that take part All are less than five minutes long. Numerous clips may be combined to create a thread The first slide states who created the clip, where they learned it / who taught them and where they obtained any information from These are sent to Sesadi where they are edited for quality purposes, standardised, catalogued and uploaded to the Sesadi site
Completing the pilot phase in 2014/’15 New updated site compiled and going live in October 2014 TY and university student instructional clip creation following the prescribed format Community group element is at the heart of the project and is vital to complete the comprehensive range of IT learning promotion and data gathering INDIE: regardless of the extent groups are willing to incorporate into their courses, the combined data from the INDIE members is potentially a powerful tool. Indeed it may serve to create a cohesive strand for the group with a valuable output European element is being tested and will strengthen the approach
Thank You