SUPA KT Presentation to the SUPA International Advisory Board April 2012
SUPA KT 1Review Strategy 2012
Strategic Aim of SUPA KT “ increase engagement between SUPA and industrial partners for financial and economic benefit”
The Team
Addressing the Strategic Goals Deliver specific industry programmes (by SUPA KT team) Investigate and inform research groups of relevant industrial market information and un-met needs Encourage and enable increased collaborative research activities with industrial partners – TSB, FP7, KTP Facilitate or support direct commercialisation activity (spin out, licensing, Fraunhofer, Innovation Centre, Innovation Centres) “ increase engagement between SUPA and industrial partners for financial and economic benefit”
Specific Programmes Delivered tailored technical programmes (“SUPA starts”)to over 30 companies and direct general support to over 80 companies from all SUPA partners Draft external evaluation shows £1.9m of added revenue already generated by SMEs as a consequence of project with projections of £6m Has created significant follow-on work – SUPA start to SUPA start plus, KTP and so on SEEKIT/ERDF Project for Scottish SME support £1.9m additional revenue already attributable to project
Specific Programmes 14 fully-funded industrial studentships with companies with Scottish R&D presence (in process of) placing 9 industry academic exchanges Has created significant follow-on work (studentship > placement > SUPA start) INSPIRE (PaLS-related)
“Investigate and Inform” Review status of market, identify key companies and policies, investigate main un-met needs Disseminate information throughout SUPA Analyse findings with key research groups in SUPA Agree areas where a potential “Offering” can be made to industry Broker engagement Market sector reviews –
“Investigate and Inform” Comprehensive market report produced and made available (on SUPA website) Met 8 companies throughout UK, as well as key government agencies 6 specific collaborative projects have been followed up – 3 confirmed contracts have resulted so far Better-informed SUPA community Market sector reviews – DEFENCE SENSING
“Investigate and Inform” Same sequence of activities carried out and report published on SUPA website Collaboration with SINAPSE for industrial leads Less engagement (than for defence sensing) by SUPA so far Scottish Enterprise have adopted market review Market sector reviews – MEDICAL IMAGING
“Investigate and Inform” Opportunity study carried out and disseminated Led to specific analysis of financial and operating models for proposed SCAPA facility Market sector reviews – SCAPA
“Encourage and Enable” Increased participation in policy formulation - eg 3 SUPA representatives at European Technology Platform workshops Photonics 21 Disseminate information on calls specifically targeted throughout SUPA Actively broker collaborations and partnerships Through PEER, specifically target Scottish SME participation in FP7 Collaborative Research Programmes – FP7, TSB
“Encourage and Enable” PEER (started 3 months ago), follow up with 12 companies, three new partnerships created, 1 application, 2 in development for future call Now responding to advance notice from Photonics 21 of forthcoming call (May) for Biophotonics ERA-NET Recent TSB “Technology-inspired collaborative R&D” call – 9 bids from all Scottish Unis – 2 assisted from SUPA KT Collaborative Research Programmes – FP7, TSB
“Facilitate and Support” Development of Fraunhofer – identification of industry need, maximise benefits to SUPA Working with SUPA REF group to maximise impact from impact statements “Enhanced” STFC PIPPS fellowship (pending appointment) – seeking commercial application for SUPA STFC-funded programmes Individual project support and development Contributed to development and achievement of SELEX chair at H-W Entrepreneurial training for early-stage researchers Support of SU2P and other complementary initiatives A range of commercialisation and culture-change activities
Income to SUPA from Industry (HESA figures)
Industrial Income to SUPA – National Comparison Summed income over last 7 years – SUPA has 4 universities in UK top 10 Cambridge dominates UK industrial income - Strathclyde 2 nd in UK in , overtaking Imperial College This is despite context of BERD in Scotland being about 45% that of UK as a whole
Business Enterprise R&D Spend (BERD)
Summary of Position Relatively strong commercial engagement in UK terms despite low concentration of industrial R&D spend in Scotland Increasing engagement with SME community with significant economic benefit resulting Increased effort into participation in TSB & FP7
Where We Aspire To Be Strong REF Impact, now and future More commercial/entrepreneurial culture within SUPA More national and international commercial engagements Larger, sustainable, collaborative contracts
Key Strategic Elements 2012 More national and international commercial engagements More resource in active marketing/relationship building in TSB and FP7 Develop international opportunities through SU2P and SFC exchanges
Key Strategic Elements 2012 Larger, more sustainable engagements Build on to strengths – eg, seek support for creation of Innovation Centre – working with largest companies in Scotland as well as supply chain and end users.