Coleg Y Cymoedd Learner Voice Forum
What is the Learner Voice Forum? It is a body comprising of representatives from each full-time course at the College. A Chair and Vice Chair are nominated to steer the work of the Forum. Two members also sit on the Governing Body as Learner Governors The role of the Learner Voice Forum is to ensure that Learner Voice is heard at the College.
Who can be a course representative? Anyone can be a course representative! Each class will be asked to nominate representatives during the Autumn term. You can volunteer yourself as a course representative or you can be nominated by other learners.
What do course reps do ? Attend meetings and present the ideas and opinions of learners to college staff and vice versa Represent the College at events and participate in activities to raise the profile of the Learner Voice Forum. Communicate with course tutors regarding matters affecting learners Provide feedback to learners about actions taken by the College in response to learner feedback.
Why be a course rep? You will meet new people and learn valuable new skills including communication, negotiation and presentation skills which will look impressive on your CV! You will be actively involved in a democratic process which affects every individual at the College and your participation will contribute to an improved learning experience for all learners. Cont……..
Why be a course rep? Being involved in the Learner Voice Forum will provide you with a sense of pride and achievement as you see ideas become reality. Course representatives are awarded NUS certificates for their efforts at the end of the year as evidence of their work with the Learner Voice Forum.
What is discussed at Learner Voice Forum meetings Facilities Resources College Catering Bullying Course-related costs College policies Teaching methods Financial assistance Health and well-being Management of behaviour
How can you make your voice heard? Become a Course representative Visit Moodle and have your say in online forums Participate in focus groups Complete surveys Participate in tutorials Provide feedback For further information about Learner Voice please visit
The College’s commitment The College is committed to seeking your views and ensuring that they inform decision making processes which affect you. As part of this commitment we will: o inform you of relevant changes and key events o consult with you and request ideas and feedback, where applicable o ensure that your views are sought, understood and considered
How to join the Learner Council Course representatives are usually nominated by tutors or via a classroom vote. If you would like to join the Learner Voice Forum please speak to your course tutor. On completion of NUS Wales course representative training you will become a member of the Learner Voice Forum. Your course tutor will forward your details to the Student Welfare Officer who will contact you.
Learner Governors Would you like to be a Learner Governor? Learner Governors will : i. attend all relevant corporation meetings ii. attend conferences and events where appropriate iii. represent the views and interests of all learners at relevant meetings and events iv. feedback relevant matters of interest from governor meetings to the Learner Voice Forum v. represent the Learner Voice Forum at meetings and events vi. inform governing body of any activities undertaken by the Forum vii. provide reports to the Governing Body when requested viii. participate in relevant training ix. act reasonably and prudently in all matters and in the best interests of the College x. carry out other duties as requested by the executive committee and the Governing Body
Training will be provided
Contacts Visit the Learner Council area on Moodle for further information or contact your campus Student Welfare Officer
Want to have your say? ….. Join the Learner Voice Forum today.