Art of Delegation in a USPS Setting Page 1 Accountable Inform Responsible Consult
Roles and Responsibilities Management: Objectives Structured approach to participative leadership and informed decision making Clear work roles to facilitate monitoring, measuring and realignment Define activities and tasks to be performed, assign who will be accountable, responsible, consulted and informed (RACI) RACI resolves ambiguities, omissions, redundancies and confusion surrounding work assignments and timetables Expectations for individual and team performance can be easily measured
Accountability:Makes the Decision The person ultimately accountable. Includes strategic authority, yes-no, veto and assignment powers, and final approval Consult:Communicates the work (2-way) The person(s) who provide special support or should be consulted when making decisions or doing work Inform:Socializes the Work (1-way) The person(s) needing to be informed at key decision points during the work. The work’s providers, customers and beneficiaries Responsibility:Performs the work The person(s) assigned the job by the “A”. Includes tactical responsibility for doing the work and completing the tasks A I C R What is RACI?
Accountabilities Undefined / Unclear Assignments Delayed / Incomplete / Redundant Communications Inadequate / Distortions Approvals / Decisions Inconclusive / Confusion of Roles Decision Points Unclear / Multiples / Wrong Level Responsibilities Denial / Finger-pointing Work Performance Wrong People / Wrong Level Interfaces Ignored / Abused / Mismanaged Accountable Inform Responsible Consult When is RACI Needed ? And What to Watch for
Accountable Inform Responsible Consult List the Sequence of Activities and Steps: A Simple Example Start with an idea – Offer Seminar Series to public Who is involved in the decision process? Develop action steps and timetable Define participants Assign RACI to each action step Monitor results Proctors Site Team Member PRO Instructors SEO Commander SXO Seminar Co Chair
Work Task or Activity Squadron Commander SEO SXO PRO Treasurer Instructors Proctors Team Member Bass Pro Ships Manager Special Resource Seminar Co Chair Special Resource Tasks, Activities and/or Decisions RACI Codes Populate the Matrix The Participants Decision to Offer Seminar Series to Public Locate a site for Seminars – e.g. Bass Pro Shops Develop timetable for project Prepare Seminar Schedule Identify Instructor for each Seminar Order Seminar Materials Develop Publicity and distribute Collecting money Assist with set up and take down What to watch for: Too many R’s More than one A No A Biased work loads Unbalanced spans of control Mis-Qualifications Create Team Member / Activity Matrix.
Work Task or Activity Squadron Commander SEO SXO PRO Treasurer Instructors Proctors Team Member Bass Pro Ships Manager Special Resource Seminar Co Chair Special Resource Decision to Offer Seminar Series to Public Locate a site for Seminars – e.g. Bass Pro Shops Develop timetable for project Prepare Seminar Schedule Identify Instructor for each Seminar Order Seminar Materials Develop Publicity and distribute Collecting money Assist with set up and take down Seminar Series Activity Matrix. AR Accountability – Makes the decision Responsibility – Performs the work Consult – Persons who provide support Inform – Persons needing to be informed CCC IACI R I I I I I I I A A A A A A A I I III IIII III I IIII I II R R R R R R R I I I I I I I I I I I C III
Accountable Inform Responsible Consult In Summary: Start with an idea Who is involved in the decision process? Develop action steps and timetable Define participants Assign RACI to each action step Monitor results Proctors Site Team Member PRO Instructors SEO Commander SXO Seminar Co Chair