MENTOR TRAINING Part Two - Roles and Responsibilities
A Mentor is… Volunteer Friend Confidante Resource Compass Listener Role Model
A Mentor is NOT a… Parent Friend of the parent Trained counselor Tutor Bank Means of transportation
A Mentor’s Responsibilities Consistency Reliability Patience Confidentiality Positive reinforcement
Communication Skills Look Listen Level
Mentor Guidelines TSIC mentors meet with their students - at the school - during the school day or school functions - in an open area such as - Media Center - Guidance Office - Courtyard TSIC mentors mentor one student at a time You may alternate school visits with: e-mentoring, , text-messaging, phone
Your First Meeting Before you go – Contact your school liaison – Prepare Arrive on time Check In
Getting Started Exchange contact information including telephone numbers (home, cell or work) and e- mail Determine a mutually amenable meeting time The student should inform the teacher why he/she is missing class The student is responsible for any missed work The student should not meet during test days You may call the school to confirm your student is in attendance before driving to the school for your meeting
Get to Know Your Student Don’t expect too much too soon Be prepared to share things about yourself Bring mentor toolkit with appropriate activities Check for ideas at Have fun!
Mentors Have access to student grades, behavior and attendance records Can speak with guidance counselors and teachers
Mentoring While the student’s academics are very important and a logical place to focus, there will be times that a mentor may choose to allow the student advocate to work with the student on academic needs The mentoring relationship may proceed as a supportive friendship, not as a grade cop It is the student’s responsibility to meet the academic requirements of the program
Mentoring Activities Mentoring Toolkit – grade level appropriate Career readiness and college research Homework / study skills Discuss current events Discuss short and long-range goals Discuss problem-solving skills Play games Meet with guidance counselor or teacher Read inspirational or how-to books together Learn about your student’s life, family, friends, music, hobbies and special interests
Teach Problem-Solving Skills Ask your student for potential solutions – Think them through together to determine which actions will bring about the desired results Lead them to resources: – Teachers, Tutors, Guidance Counselors, Grade Remediation, Study Buddies
Financial Aid Federal: State: Other Scholarships Meet with guidance at least once each year beginning in 8 th grade Application deadlines to calendar
Preparing for High School Graduation Cumulative GPA FCAT SAT / ACT College Applications Financial Aid
Career Readiness Build Resume Create Cover Letter Interviewing skills Internships
We Empower You You are an advocate for this young adult! Be creative – you may amaze yourself! Ask questions, hold conferences, schedule meetings, inquire about tutoring, etc. Communicate with your Take Stock in Children staff Mentor Toolkit - grade level appropriate– hardcopy and online
Student Grades Students are required to meet a minimum GPA for program eligibility. As a mentor, you will notified if your mentee is placed on warning or probation status Students will be notified if they are being placed on warning or probation
Mentor Communications Take Stock in Children staff members will keep in touch with you via: – – iMentor – Telephone – U.S. mail We will inform you of: – Student grades and schedules – Program status – Upcoming events – Financial aid and college selection information
Child Abuse Information for Volunteers Child abuse prevention and reporting information and policies are available through your local Take Stock in Children staff. Be sure to be familiar with the procedures you must follow if you suspect abuse.
Bumps in the Road My student missed a meeting or is late for a meeting My student is not returning my phone calls or s My student has been placed on probation My student won’t talk to me My student is talking about a subject I’m not comfortable with Something is up with my student, but I can’t put my finger on it
The Mentor-Mentee Lifecycle Starting out Growth Maturity Letting go Closure
When it is Time to Say Good-bye Please let your student know Inform the Take Stock in Children office right away Do not be embarrassed If you can no longer meet with your student, we need to find him/her a new mentor
Congratulations and Thank You! Mentoring a Take Stock Scholar will have a profound impact on both of you Please remember that although mentoring is one-to-one, you are not alone!
The #1 indicator of success for a child is a relationship with a caring adult.” - Fortune Magazine